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  1. T

    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    They walked through the corridors, passing a huge repair bay. X wings lined a small hanger just waiting to be flown into combat. "you know, after all this rebellion thing is over, do you want to get one of these?" He asked as they looked before moving on. Next was a ring, in which...
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    "Not at all, although I think a fight like yesterday could cause a little more damage" he chuckled as he slipped his sidearm into his holster He offered his hand to her
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    Pash murmured a reply, his thoughts on planning. Always planning, the day, the week, the month. He looked up, noticing the look of annoyance on the little Twi'lek's face as she inspected her cloak. He sent messages, and soon their belongings had been brought from the ship, weapons and all. He...
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    "Well one of us needs to" He replied, hand linking with hers. And so they slept, possibly for the first time in months without trouble surrounding them, and when he woke he smiled, content in the first few minutes of the day. Work called however, and he looked at the surprisingly well...
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    He pulled her into his chest, both of them falling back against the bed. Pash cradling the small form of Ardana. His chest still hurt from some of the wounds taken and his once violet eyes had become differing shades of purple veined grey. He kissed the top of her head and lay back, thinking of...
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    "One of these days, one of us really isn't going to make it back, and I would rather know how you feel right up until then" Pash whispered, his hand cupping Ardana's face
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    "Ardana take that off your face" Pash said as he brushed the covering away from her face. "You know I prefer having some clue as to how you think" because he didn't really know anymore. He was a little lost, staring into those bright eyes, not knowing what to do.
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    He walked them to a set of pre arranged rooms. It wasn't much, just a set of beds, a small living area and a washroom. "Finally we are alone" he said, sitting on the bed, stripping off his vamblades and boots.
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    Pash stretched his shoulders and looked over at the crowd that had gathered to watch. "well in practice enough to gain an audience" he murmured. He slipped his coat back on and slipped his weapons back into the hidden pockets. "now show us to our rooms please"
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    Pash grunted as he allowed his body to lean into the kick, stabbing a blade into the floor before grabbing Ardana's boot and pulling upwards as he rose to his feet. "good kick, bit slow on the retreat" he grinned, folding away the blades " Good warm up for the next week or so"
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    Pash was wary, even in a training fight this could go badly. He needed absolute precision. He moved in low, knife ready, waited for Ardana to strike, and as she does he parries, and lets go of the knife. In the moment of surprise he gets, he presses the buttons in his palms, and before anyone...
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    Pash noticed the low stance, and decided to have a little fun. Slowly moving to one side he moved in for another high slash, but brought his hand to one side to jab at her elbow. As she parried he slipped under her guard and narrowly missed jabbing her ribs due to a quick dodge. "ready for...
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    Pash moved in one instant, his blade angling down as he brought it down in a sweeping motion, easily parried by a turn of Ardana's knife. He feinted before aiming for her shoulder, her dodge and counterattack meant that he was forced to dodge himself. "Not bad little one"
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    They moved to a small room, again white, with a rubber matt about 40 square metres in the middle. Pash stepped to one end and twirled both knives, before dropping one and moving a bracer into a defensive stance. "So little one, care to try your luck?"
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    Pash knocked on the door to invite the others in. "We will do it, but you will need to refit us first, and we either need to get messages or a ship to Nar Shadaa for a colleague of ours" Pash put to them "We find the terms agreeable, however we would prefer you remain here for now, no...
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    "Well we are going to do this job anyway, may as well accept" Pash was itching to get planning, so much to buy, so many things which could go wrong. "So we will have to train a little, your knife skills still need work" He muttered, knowing full well it was more for his reassurance than...
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    "Dovahkin is on Kashykk, Arlack I heard was on Nar Shadaa" Pash didn't want to take the wookie away from his home. It hadn't been a good war for him. Last time they met, the wookie had lost an eye. The Trandoshan on the other hand was a good idea, he had a better reputation for reliability...
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    "Well if they think it blew up, change the transponder... You'd need codes to really get anywhere anyway" He thought of the allies they had travelled with. Some distant and others.... "is arlack still around?" He said quietly.
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    The pair of them left the room and Pash turned to Ardana. He was worried at the look on her face. "we could do this, but not just us, we need friends, and i don't have a lot of them left anymore"
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    Come What May: Edge of the Empire

    Pash was glad Ardana had spoken up, he was still doubtful of the risks involved. He looked at some of the info, specs for the ship.... Planet..... "why are we doing this on Corusant?" Pash looked furious now, this was a death trap.