Search results for query: *

  1. SpiralSamurai

    Jjang, A Highschool Romance

    Obviously this is a WIP, but I wanted to go ahead and post what I had so far. :3 Name: Eiji Ono Nickname: N/A Age: 17 Gender: Male Weight: 140 Height: 5'9" School: Fukuoka High School School Status: Student Council Vice President Part-Time Job: N/A Likes: Sleep, sweet...
  2. SpiralSamurai

    Jjang, A Highschool Romance

    I should be able to put my bio up for my second character this evening... Hopefully. I've been fighting off the flu, and work is killer right now. But I will for sure get him posted tonight or tomorrow. :3
  3. SpiralSamurai

    Jjang, A Highschool Romance [Inactive]

    Shiori Nakamura 0500 to 0730 hours September 1st The quiet music began to play as the radio near the bedside blinked continuously, alerting the now awoken Shiori what time it was. Taking a deep breath, Shiori ran a hand through his brown hair as he forced himself to sit up. After reached...
  4. SpiralSamurai

    HaHa! I saw it! It's beautiful!

    HaHa! I saw it! It's beautiful!
  5. SpiralSamurai

    Teehee, it is!

    Teehee, it is!
  6. SpiralSamurai

    Jjang, A Highschool Romance

    Alrighty! And yesssss, Dr. Who!
  7. SpiralSamurai

    Jjang, A Highschool Romance

    So the rp starts tomorrow, right? I just want to make sure I've got that right. And if it will start tomorrow, I won't be able to post until the evening. Work gets crazy on Saturdays. :3
  8. SpiralSamurai

    That's right, little missy! Ya' better put on your big girl panties and deal with it... Home girl!

    That's right, little missy! Ya' better put on your big girl panties and deal with it... Home girl!
  9. SpiralSamurai

    Well, YOLO!!!!!!

    Well, YOLO!!!!!!
  10. SpiralSamurai

    Your mom...

    Your mom...
  11. SpiralSamurai

    Jjang, A Highschool Romance

    Elysium, if you need another spot to be filled at any point (ex. The last student council president), I would be fine with taking another character. I read the rules on how many characters we could have, and I'm actually very used to writing multiple characters. Obviously someone else might sign...
  12. SpiralSamurai

    Gosh, why do I hate sleep, yet love it at the same time?

    Gosh, why do I hate sleep, yet love it at the same time?
  13. SpiralSamurai

    Unless you were brainwashed and naked.......

    Unless you were brainwashed and naked.......
  14. SpiralSamurai

    That would make sense... I think I'd be about the same.

    That would make sense... I think I'd be about the same.
  15. SpiralSamurai

    I don't love a lot of people... And it sort of depends on which loved one Id be killing, lol...

    I don't love a lot of people... And it sort of depends on which loved one Id be killing, lol. But I doubt that I would...
  16. SpiralSamurai

    Jjang, A Highschool Romance

    Oh, and I was wondering if there was going to be positions for the Student Councils? Like so far there is only the President spot, and then there's the members... Maybe there could be a Vice President and Secretary? Just an idea. :3
  17. SpiralSamurai

    Jjang, A Highschool Romance

    My computer is acting retarded, so I'm going to have too repost my edited version of the bio. Sorries about that! *bows*Here's my complete version of my bio. I'm a little nitpicky, so I'll probably fix stuff later, lol. Student Council President Name: Shiori Nakamura Nickname...
  18. SpiralSamurai

    Jjang, A Highschool Romance

    It's been a while since I've joined a group RP, and I'm new to this particular site, but this one sounds intriguing enough to try out. I work two jobs, so it's hard for me to answer a lot, but I can definitely answer a few times a day. If that's not a problem, I'd like to join. That is, of...