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  1. AustrianGuy

    Fantasy Goetterdämmerung - Call of Cthulhu RP

    (Unofficial Guide for the Roleplay) Wehrmacht Ranks: Mannschaften (Enlisted personnel) Soldat (Private) Obersoldat (Private First Class/Senior Private) Gefreiter (Lance Corporal) Obergefreiter (Senior Lance Corporal) Stabsgefreiter (Staff Lance Corporal) Unteroffiziere...
  2. AustrianGuy

    Fantasy Goetterdämmerung - Call of Cthulhu RP

    Name: Friedrich Weiskopf Age: 26 Appearance: Profession&Group: Wehrmacht-Engineer Personality: Keen, precise, dishonest, sneaky Equipment: Basic tool kit, keys to a Schwimmwagen, canteen, bread bag, Special Abilities/Skills: Repair, competent Pistol Wielder, able to think logically...
  3. AustrianGuy

    Realistic or Modern WW2 Roleplay?

    Is this from the POV of the Allies?