I would send you a PM but as I'm new to this site I can't yet, so would you be awesome and send me one if you're interested in trying to work out a roleplay together?
I would send you a private message but I am still under new member restrictions, but I was hoping we could still work something out together? Why don't you send me a PM when you have the time?
If you're still open and accepting, I was wondering if you and I could work something out? I would send you a PM myself but I am under new member restrictions for a bit, so when you have the time and are interested, would you be so kind as to send me a PM?
Because of new member restrictions, I can't send out PMs yet, so if you could send me one and we could try and work something out? That'd be great!
I would send you a PM but seeing as I'm under new member ristrictions, I can't as of yet, so I was hoping you'd be so kind as to send one my way when you have the time?