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  1. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    I know that Ruby just hooked up with... I think Glenn was his name....Idk for sure though
  2. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    "Oh, um...I guess if I had to pick a favorite..." He trailed off looking at her beautiful blue hair. "Blue." He finished. "What's yours?"
  3. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    "I already would defend you, you're my friend." He smiled, wrapping an arm around her, below her wing. "This is really comfortable." He commented.
  4. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    "I'm sorry about that. If I knew who did that to you I'd....I-" Murder clenched his fists, staring intently at the wall across the room. He took a breath to try and calm down. "They wouldn't live to make another mistake."
  5. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    "No, I haven't found mine yet, but what's the rush?" he answered, dodging the first question, and instinctively his head on hers and putting his hand on her leg. He didn't know why but it felt nice.
  6. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    "That's Great news! I'm so happy for you!" He smiled. "And don't worry about that, I'll tell the front desk about it when it comes up." He assured her, welcoming her presence by his side.
  7. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    (Sorry took so long) Murder jumped in fear. "Oh, um, y-yeah. I didn't point it out earlier cause I didn't want to scare you." Murder said, trying to sound believable. "So uh, how'd the owl hunting go?" He joked, also trying to change the subject. He could feel his fangs coming in and quick...
  8. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    (I know, this is just character development stuff lol)
  9. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    Murder looked at his handy work with the door, and then at his hand. His claw was still showing. He had to find a way to hide it and fast. He closed his eyes and quickly thought of happy thoughts...of vacation...of fun...then suddenly of Lucy. He opened his eyes to see his whole arm was...
  10. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    Murder jumped at the sudden yelling, then chuckled a little bit. "Nice attention span." He muttered smiling, using a claw that he had worked up enough anger to summon to screw in pieces of the door handle. He had to search a bit, but found some duct tape left by other dorm residents, which would...
  11. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fandom YouTube Mansion (IC)

  12. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    "That was fast." He mumbled to himself, looking across the room at the bundle of feathers. He wondered if she was actually asleep. The beds couldn't actually be THAT comfortable. He heard someone down the hall moving in, and the sound of a door breaking, which reminded him of how Lucy opened the...
  13. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    "Oh um, I'm doing good." He smiled back. "How are you doing?" He asked politely, not sure what else to say in that moment. There was something about the way she said that first statement that sounded odd to him, not that he didn't want to get to know people.
  14. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    "Well, we don't really grip the ground,we just kind step on it." He tried to explain awkwardly, not sure it was actually making anything clearer. "So...I wonder what we're supposed to do till classes start?" He questioned, sitting on his own bed. He liked the idea of learning how to control his...
  15. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    Murder jumped, suddenly hearing a voice at the wonder. He looked and saw Lucy at the window. He forgot about the flying thing, but even then didn't think she would use it in this scenario. He got up, threw the Journal in the bag, and opened the window. "You got a thing against walking, don't...
  16. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    Murder found his bag and took out the journal his doctor told him to keep. He felt he had some stuff to right into it that would be helpful. "Journal entry, first day of the academy. This place is pretty big, I'd be worried about finding my way around, but that's never been a problem...
  17. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Playing the Undertale demo, in love with the sound track

    Playing the Undertale demo, in love with the sound track
  18. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    Murder felt odd in the situation an decided to simply head back to his dorm. He quietly slipped from the Lucy's side and walked along the side walk, not really sure how he managed to find his way there in the first place. (I really don't know where @Trust went so that's like 80 percent of what...
  19. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    Murder stood quietly behind Lucy as she approached her friend, curious to see if she acted around the other people like she did him. He really didn't know what else to do but try to keep up with the energetic Harpy.
  20. SlightlyInsaneJake

    Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

    Murder found himself laughing at her excitement. "Alright, let's go then!"