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  1. N

    Narnia Retold

    "Oh my God" Amelia exclamed looking around at the reckage "I'm sorry Lucy."
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    Narnia Retold

    "Did you hear something." Edmund said looking around
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    Narnia Retold

    Amelia looked around something felt off here why was the door open and broken. "Somethings not right." She muttered
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    Narnia Retold

    "Yea maybe he will have some answers.." Amelia said just as a large shiver went through her body pulling her tight black leather jacket closer to her
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    Narnia Retold

    "Well I'm gonna find some answers coming or not?" She asked looking at the Pevensies Edmund seemed uncomfortable and Susan just stared at as if Amelia was trash.
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    Narnia Retold

    Amelia spun around and saw the Pevensies stairing at her "Ok I need a explination now!"
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    Narnia Retold

    "What do you mean by sons and daughters of adam and eve?" She asked
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    Narnia Retold

    Amelia whispered to herself "White Witch where have I heard that.....LUCY!" Turning she looked the witch in the eyes. "Get away from me witch." She lunged at the witch with a knife.
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    Narnia Retold

    Amelia narrowed her eyes not liking the look of the woman in front of her "Who are you?" She said twirling her blade between her fingers.
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    Narnia Retold

    "Humm I can take her growing up in NYC on your....never mind I'll be fine I don't need people looking after me never have never will." Amelia said walking off when she heard a pist from the trees.
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    Narnia Retold

    "What the **** this soo can't be really ok I'm leaving bye everyone I have no clue whats going on see ya!"
  12. N

    Narnia Retold

    "2012 of course." Amelia finally took in their old fashion outfits and air about them. "When are you from?"
  13. N

    Narnia Retold

    "World war? Both of those happened years ago are you sure your ok and not crazy?"
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    Narnia Retold

    Amelia cocked her head to the side "War what war the one in the Middle east?"
  15. N

    Narnia Retold

    "Damn I must of tripped and hit my head this is all a dream." Amelia chuckled to herself "So as long as I'm having this delusion Pretty Boy mind telling me how you and your family got here." Amelia said cocking an eyebrow and snapping her gum.
  16. N

    Narnia Retold

    "What's Narnia?" Amelia asked slipping the knife in her leather boot her black hair falling over her face
  17. N

    Narnia Retold

    Amelia wondered around the mysterious forest one moment she was running down a dark ally in NYC now she is in a land of snow. As she pondered what was going on she heard people talking pulling out her pocket knife she jumped out screaming "Who are you? Where am I???"
  18. N

    Narnia Retold

    maybe skip to when they are in Narnia?
  19. N

    Narnia Retold

    cool ok lets restart this then
  20. N

    Narnia Retold

    If we can get this RP active again that would be awesome wanna help me?