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  1. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Melinda nodded "i know your right just worried how everything will handle worried he wont ever make it to my wedding "she said sighing thinking about it now "thank you for telling me the truth means I can trust you more."she said grinning. Shadow eyebrows arched "no sorry we might be...
  2. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Melinda looked at him "something bothering you ?"she asked arching her eyebrow"you got quiet when I said that"she said sighing "not usually the best thing "she said sighing. Shadow grinned lightly "understood only if I'm able to follow behind the rest of the way "he chuckled "kinda like to...
  3. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Melinda sighed "I know I will have to talk it over with her ...but once dad died she will go crazy ...and that what worries me ..."she said frowning but then smiled "but I'm sure we have some time before that happens hopefully "she said frowning . Shadow nodded before looking at her " it's...
  4. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow chuckled and shruggred "probably not honestly "he said scratching his head remebering the past "if it happens we are not picking up the phone"he said laughing"infact why dont we just leave those things here "he chuckled "vacationhere we come"he grinned"remember that first vacation we...
  5. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow chuckled"only thing that could be worse is if the old us came back"he chuckled lightly"only in there live form"he said frowning knowing the chaos that would follow"hopefully...nothing worse..will follow while were on vacation"he said chuckling watching her"hmm but they still have people...
  6. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow laughed "maybe second worst right"he asked grinning" just glad they did not try and kill us"he said making an odd face "you think everyones going to be okay for some reason i cant help but feel bad about something"he said scratching the back of his head trying to think of what that...
  7. Sirensong

    Fantasy Highschool Of powers [Open ]

    Jace nodded "a few one that's not to far but usually quiet "he said sighing "but it's up to you we can look at some places you like first I want whatever you want "he said watching her.
  8. Sirensong

    Fantasy Highschool Of powers [Open ]

    Jace looked at her "sounds good the place thing not the drinking my blood but I would prefer you do that then them get anything of me "he said truthfully"then at least I would always be with you "he said with a grin.
  9. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow sighed lightly *some look rather mad they'll get over it though hopefully*he thought before grabbing ana hand "hurry up lets get away before the3y6 decide to murder us "he said in jokingly manner he gave a half serious look before grinning . Melinda nodded"good because we seem to give in...
  10. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow nodded before looking at ana"yes you can do it "he said chuckling lightly knowing it would make some of them mad *hopefully they don't trust us any less *he thought sighing *well less then they already trust us..*he thought looking at them all. Melinda smiled lightly"your probably right...
  11. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow looked at ana"they are disarmed whats the worst that could happen"he joked knowing a lot of bad things could happen he gave a quiet sigh"well you could let us pay for your alls hotels"he said quietly"while your here anyways or you could use our house "he whispered"its got cameras...
  12. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow grinned looking at sam "good luck sam youll need it "he said sighing before looking at lyra"if theirs anything else you all need while you were here let us know"he said before sighing *im worried the family might go into shock ..about this next one *he thought nervously he gave a quiet...
  13. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Just replying so the thread doesn't get locked
  14. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow sighed lightly"well weve got alot people or guys who can sympathize with him or better yet understand in a sense i do mean alot.. so you want to help us narrow it down a little bit?"he asked curioursly looking at lyra "or well anyone you could think of ?"he asked"yeah it easier to reason...
  15. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow sighed lightly"so who should we send to reason with him one of you future kids or of the live people?"he asked sighing"if we can pick someone out thats semi reaosnable and not as hot headed as the rest of the group"he grumbled knowing how the family could be"..last thing we need is...
  16. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow frowned lightly"can you not team up with the lesser of two take the one out or is it to complicated for that?"he asked sighing lightly watching her "..taking out the one might solve the problem"he said frowning lightly "if it is like you say then maybe everyone teaming up would...
  17. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow sighed lightly"what about scouts or gaurds through the night or will that not help in this case..?"he asked looking at them"and training extra people in medics,..?"he asked curioursly"although none of that could stop bombs if that happened.."he said sighing" cant just cut the root of...
  18. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow sighed"we might...have to get some buts let make our announcement afterwards and let the kids start first maybe they will be less stressed that way"he said sighing before nodding at major and lyra, Major looked at lyra"take it away sunshine"he said grinning watching her "ill follow after...
  19. Sirensong

    Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

    Shadow sighed lightly seeing some faces"okay we might want to start this now before they turn and run they can tell its a meeting so we might just want to spit it out "he said sighing worriedly watching ana,Major looked at Lyra slightly curious about there news he gave a quiet sigh *i recongize...