Search results for query: *

  1. NamuNeko

    Academy for Rejected Souls (Multiverse, OC)

    Location: Entry Hall Who I'm with: Bridget What I'm doing: Following Nodding, she follows Bridget and holds onto her bag. "Thanks for doing this, this usually doesn't happen." she gives another nervous chuckle. "So where's everybody else? In classes already?" she asks in an attempt at...
  2. NamuNeko

    Academy for Rejected Souls (Multiverse, OC)

    Location: Entry Hall Who I'm With: Bridget, Sans What I'm Doing: Talking "No, no, it's alright, I'm all fine. Just don't remember my way around here, is all. Apparently I don't remember it as well as I thought, hehe~" Janette nervously chuckles, standing up. "We really should get to class...
  3. NamuNeko

    Academy for Rejected Souls (Multiverse, OC)

    Location: Lost around the school Who I'm with: No one What I'm doing: Being lost Mumbling to herself, Janette was ducking in and out of hallways and rooms. "This wasn't there... Was that- no, I don't remember that... do I?" She asked herself for the hundredth time, having spent ages...
  4. NamuNeko

    Academy for Rejected Souls (Multiverse, OC)

    Location: Front door Who I'm with: Myself What I'm doing: Walking in After skipping to the door, Janette swipes her hair out of her face with her hand and opens the relatively larger door and enters, attempting to head for the lunch room. "So far so good." She mumbles to herself as she...
  5. NamuNeko

    Academy for Rejected Souls (Multiverse, OC)

    Location: Outside the School Who I'm With: Darius What I'm Doing: Just Arriving Stepping out of the portal, Janette smiles at her school, ready for more fun. She takes hold of her bag and bounds towards the school, her hair bobbing as she skips down the path. "I'm baaaaack~" she exclaims...
  6. NamuNeko


    Hello, all! Pleasure to be here, been a while since I've seen a decent enough RP site. We'll get straight to it. Feel free to call me by anything that fits you. Namu, Neko, whatever the hell ya want. I'm up for tons of different roleplay, though I prefer medieval fantasy, or fantasy in general...