Search results for query: *

  1. The Hatter

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

    Something rather time consuming has come up. Probably going to drop RPing for a while. Good luck everyone.
  2. The Hatter

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

    @NessieAlways Did you have a name in mind for the mountain range on the map, or should we be really creative and call them the Oldooz mountains? Need for CS.
  3. The Hatter

    Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds -Character Sign-up

    ???? Shingi Eisuke {slide=The Basics}The Basics Full Name: Eisuke Shingi Nickname: Suke Age: 10 Gender: Male Type: Fire Goal: To become a great warrior, like his father, by catching many pokemon and challenging the elite four.{/slide} {slide=First Impression}First...
  4. The Hatter

    Fandom Pokemon : The Bridge Between Two Worlds

    Certainly still interested
  5. The Hatter

    Fandom Pokemon Rp!

    Would also be interested
  6. The Hatter

    Colosseum The slaughter and laughter stadium (Always searching!)

    Haydon pulled his cloak's black hood tighter around himself, avoiding the slow drizzle that had plagued the otherwise normal day. One such as himself hated the water. Quickly he darted towards the nearest establishment he could find. As he approached the place, Haydon saw some sign indicating...
  7. The Hatter

    Colosseum The slaughter and laughter stadium

    Name: Haydon Smit Age: 13 Gender: Male Race: Hume Class: Pyro mage Physical appearance: Haydon is small, abnormally so even for his size. Though a teenager, many mistake him for being much younger than he actually is. His spindly frame makes him seem as though his body...
  8. The Hatter

    Colosseum The slaughter and laughter stadium

    Ah. T1 is a style of arena. It is essentially an in-depth version of the 'attempt' system. Just outlines specifics a little more. Prep turns, interruptions, etc. Most sites use some form of it as a general guide. Judging by the CS's so far it is probably T1 oriented. T1
  9. The Hatter

    Colosseum The slaughter and laughter stadium

    @Under Dunder Will get a CS up soon, just one Q. New to this site, assuming it is T1 mainly?