Search results for query: *

  1. Kitkat0814

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Anna listened, though her mind was wondering everywhere. There was just so much to see and she had a lot of energy and excitement built up. She looked up when the new guy mentioned he was an engineer. He'd have to have been up here for a long time. By this time, Anna had finished what was left...
  2. Kitkat0814

    Fantasy The zodiac signs

    Mariah was a military brat, so moving around was a part of her families life. Because her new school was on base, she got along with many of the kids there, though she didn't talk much. She stuck with another girl who's family had just moved there. Up until a week ago, she had been in Germany...
  3. Kitkat0814

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Anna watched the man approach and took another bite of her pudding. She smiled softly as Dax introduced her to the stranger. Studying him, she realized his skin was pale and felt somewhat concerned, until she remembered that they would all look that way after a few months in the ARK. The crowd...
  4. Kitkat0814

    Fantasy The zodiac signs

    Mariah turned over and bed and glanced at her clock. She'd been waiting for the alarm to go off for over half an hour now, but so far nothing. Until, of course, the moment she did. She jumped out of bed, slamming her hand on the off button and headed over to her bag, making sure she had...
  5. Kitkat0814

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Anna filled her plate, her face was beaming. She grabbed all of her favorite foods, worried that this might be the last time she would get to enjoy something this extravagant. Dax was next to her, filling his plate as well. She sat down next to him at an empty table. "Look at this!!!! They had...
  6. Kitkat0814

    Futuristic We begin Again

    A cold world...God she hated the cold. She leaned into Drax. Well, according to the woman, she wouldn't have to see it for another 60 years. Anna watched the spheres, wide eyed. She'd never seen anything that large before and was still in awe of how large the Ark is. She hugged Drax, and...
  7. Kitkat0814

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Anna loved the shower, and was very upset when it was over, but she kept that to herself as she was lead to a large conference room with the other women that she'd been with during the detox. Passengers were still pouring in, and she stood on her toes to try to spot her husband. She didn't...
  8. Kitkat0814

    Fantasy The zodiac signs

    Name: Mariah Age: 17 Gender:Female S.o: Heterosexual Zodiac Sign: Libra Element: Air Personality: Mariah is a very peaceful person, she believes strongly in justice and fairness. She doesn't back down when she knows something is wrong. Her biggest flaw is her indecisiveness, she...
  9. Kitkat0814

    Fantasy The zodiac signs

    I'll take libra then :)
  10. Kitkat0814

    Fantasy The zodiac signs

    Wait, I just saw the sheet and someone already has Leo, I'll think of another one
  11. Kitkat0814

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Anna took a deep breath as she listened to the radio frequency. She couldn't believe that they'd finally made it. Watching the doors open, was to her, like watching their new lives begin. She studied the people in jump suits helping the others out of their seats and waited patiently for the door...
  12. Kitkat0814

    Fantasy The zodiac signs

    Thank you! I'll post a cs in a few
  13. Kitkat0814

    Fantasy The zodiac signs

    Hi! I'd like to join, too. Is it alright if I reserve Leo? :)
  14. Kitkat0814

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Anna felt her arms rise, weightless, after the extreme force that pushed everyone. She listened closely to the announcement, and felt homesick. Anna knew she'd never be able to go back home, to their farm in Wisconsin, or to the hospital where she'd spent years training to get as far as she had...
  15. Kitkat0814

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Anna squeezed Drax's hand tightly. She could tell that both of them shared the same frightened, yet excited, expression without even having to look, if she could in that movement restricting helmet. She stared ahead at the rows and rows of people, all trying to survive. She wondered what their...
  16. Kitkat0814

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Name: Anna Sedren Age: 19 Sex: Female Height: 5' 2" Hair/eye/skin color: Red hair, blue/ gray eyes, light skin Occupation (scientist, middle class, doctor etc):doctor Back story: Anna had lived in Wisconsin her whole life. Both of her parents had worked on the farms that sustained...