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  1. DreamingDeity

    The Mysteries of Rodania (Still looking for members)

    Velehk fingered the the hilt of his sword. "So we find out about this Daemon, slay him, and make sure the dwarves hold up to their promise of aid. Seems simple enough. Velehk had an intimate knowledge of a variety of Daemons. His study of Kynmar had seen to that. There was probably no other...
  2. DreamingDeity

    The Mysteries of Rodania (Still looking for members)

    Velehk walked hurriedly through the corridors, rather indignantly. His armor, polished, oiled, and fitted for the journey, made a metallic ruckus, the robes and quilted padding underneath rustling against each other. His sword, sharpened and shined to a gleaming sheen, hung from a leather loop...
  3. DreamingDeity

    The Tales of Rodania

    Name: Velehk Var-Hjerim Age: 55 Race: Orc Bio: Formerly a High Scholar of the Monastic Order of Baalthazar in Kevrid. One of the few Orcish Magic-users left in the world. Banished for sympathetic thoughts of the Kynmar and Orkril disciplines of Magic. Became a member of the Order of the...