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  1. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    "I'm fine, I'm not the one bleeding here, my stomach is just tossing." She rebuttaled quickly, the bond between them driving her instincts to take care of him through the roof. Kate shakily stood and collected him against her and stayed there, simply holding him. A few moments passed of her...
  2. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate trembled and slid her self to the floor, she felt sick in her bones. She noted the blood on the floor and got back up, instantly giving him her full attention. She pulled a rag from one of the kitchen drawers and applied a light but firm pressure. (My bad didn't realize I didn't hit post)
  3. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate didn't object to him, couldn't as her body heaved one final time that left her trembling against him. "You take a toll on me.." She sighed, but clearly put her anger aside as she took his hand and looked at him, waiting for him to say something.
  4. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    "I don't want your apologies or your protection. She deserves whatever they were doing for bringing it on herself, I'm still livid you went and gouged your eye out over such a waste. Come back to me when you've finished what you started, I won't be part of it any longer." Kate snapped though her...
  5. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    "I didn't touch the pizza, actually. You absolutely fucking wreak of that cat and you challenged that wanna be alpha bitch for her pack. Gee I wonder what could have possibly irked me." She spat, dry and sarcastic to the bone. It was obvious as she spoke that she was fighting a terrible change...
  6. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate glared at him, his explanation making her stomach flip. "I know exactly where you were." She growled lowly, Boris flinching as if expecting her to snap, drawing her attention from victor. She stood and found her wallet, pulling a fifty dollar bill from within, as she went about this Boris...
  7. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    (Lol oh that was a bit much but gouging out his own eye wasn't?)
  8. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    (I'm just getting caught up here, she told him to stay away from the damn cougar )
  9. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate nodded as he left and took the time alone graciously, it was strange to be so tied to another, almost displeasingly so, but she would work on getting used to it. As he left she felt him as if he was next to her still and sighed, the feeling unwavering as the distance grew. She stood...
  10. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    (Alright I'm officially moved in and patched up, shouldn't be an issue to get on here now, sorry about the lag out guys)
  11. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    (Tbh I think I may just stop rping, life's been hectic)
  12. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate smiled, eyes bright, reflecting her immense love for him as he spoke. Her cheeks gradually tinted a light flushed red. "You will never do it alone again," she cooed sweetly, her hand reaching for his across the table.
  13. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    "My father used to tease me about marrying into their family to make it official, though I'm sure to some degree he genuinely wanted it." She laughed, her eyes intently focused on him. His injuries looked much, much better, a night and day difference really, but looking at him caused guilt to...
  14. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate caught his expression and smiled, filing him in, "Hungarian, my fathers long time friends, our families go back so far we may as well be cousins." She explained, coming to sit across from him at the table
  15. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate smiled and nodded, there was only one pizza place that ever delivered to her home and they'd been doing it since before Kate was ever thought of. It brought back good memories as she left the room, basket in hand still and slipped into the kitchen, plucking a home phone from a receiver on...
  16. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate could feel him staring at her and smirked, turning and approaching him boldly, aiming to tease. Her shirt tight around her bust but her bra still lay near the edge of the bed. She came almost within grabbing range of him, stopped, flipped her hair over her shoulder and adjusted the laundry...
  17. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate turned, distracted by his touch for only a moment until he spoke, her eyes then boring into him like daggers. "No, you're hurt. I stayed while injured now it's your turn. There are fresh towels in the bathroom if you'd like to shower while I'm gone." She gestured, clearly not caring if...
  18. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate nodded, turning and kissing him softly before slipping out of his grasp. She slid off the bed and pulled the corners of the sheets up, pulling them off and placing them in a laundry basket. She grabbed a bottle of stain remover and sprayed the spots a few times before leaving it to sit as...
  19. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate hadn't meant it that way at all, she wanted him to quite literally stay with her, hunt and form a family. The idea of him leaving on another lethal escapade made her stomach flip, if it held any food it surely would have spilt it's contents onto the already bloody sheets. She decided...
  20. Reptilesandromance

    Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

    Kate felt the edges of the open wound he had dealt to her during the ritual, branding her as his. It was stimulating and- hot. Extremely hot. She caught his gaze and bit her lip, muffling a moan as she felt his want for her, sending her own desires through him. As his fingers touched her she...