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  1. Mia Ramirez

    Realistic or Modern Band Of Traitors

    When Chisana entered the cabin, her captain offered her a slight smirk and the seat across from her which Chisana decided to settle herself into. The slight grimace on her face didn't slip past Chisana and she went ahead and took a wild guess that it probably had something to do with the gash...
  2. Mia Ramirez

    Realistic or Modern Band Of Traitors

    At the call of her name Chisana released her hold on the crow's nest and let herself fall, turning herself in midair so that she would land with a soft thud in front of her captain. She smiled at Amelia and awaited her orders like always. "Meet me in my quarters once the other crew members...
  3. Mia Ramirez

    Realistic or Modern Band Of Traitors

    Feeling the breeze from the top of the crow's nest, Chisana lounged against the cool wood as she watched the clouds roll by as the shipped sailed toward whichever destination their captain had in mind next. The crow's nest was Chisana's sanctuary from everyone and everything, it cleared her head...
  4. Mia Ramirez

    Realistic or Modern Band Of Traitors

    Name: Chisana Senshi Age: 20 Position Aboard: Intel and Infiltration expert Weapon of choice: kunai, shuriken, chain Personality: Chisana, though usually quiet in nature, is a troublemaker and a joker at heart. She is loyal to her captain and shipmates, and loves them for being "as...