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  • Users: SHadeDee
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  1. SHadeDee

    It started at the party...

    Beth was still trying to get over the awkward silence and pause but she was glad they could keep exploring. She linked arms with him and they walked towards the maze. They walked in and saw how tall the hedges were to them. Soon they came to a fork in the road, Beth looked at Frankie "So, which...
  2. SHadeDee

    It started at the party...

    Beth looked at him kind of confused with a weird squinty look. She looked like that for a while the silence was only a few seconds but between then felt like forever. "Wait..." A look of sudden realazation crossed her face. "...Ooooooh okay, okay I get it sorry!" She lightly bonked herself in...
  3. SHadeDee

    It started at the party...

    She munched on her sandwich and gave him an exaggerated questioning look. "Oh really? You tried 'em before?" She crossed her legs and held her ankles sort of rocking back and fourth. She looked at the two sandwiches left and scooted one over to him while moving the second one over to her. "Yknow...
  4. SHadeDee

    It started at the party...

    Beth giggled from excitement for a moment before grabbing a few tiny sandwiches from the table next to them. She turned around and waved for Frankie to follow her. She lead him out the door and down the hallway until they got to the backyard. The backyard was so pretty in the moonlight and...
  5. SHadeDee

    One x One Siren by the water

    @SHadeDee, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  6. SHadeDee

    Siren by the water

    That've heard it so many times before in these woods by your home and it always leads you to the same place. The cliff the singing is so beautiful and it always sounds like it's just off the edge just bekoning you to take one more step into the beautiful lake and jagged rocks...
  7. SHadeDee

    One x One Siren by the water

    @SHadeDee, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  8. SHadeDee

    One x One Yandere love

    Name: Drew Spektor Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Light brown messy hair, sort of lean build, ice blue eyes, Personality: outgoing, happy,usually very friendly Other: He's very into art and music but he can't really do either very well but that doesn't stop him from trying to, he...
  9. SHadeDee

    It started at the party...

    "I'm Beth Donavin." She smiled awkwardly and tilted her head, he seemed to be rather closed off she didn't want him to leave. He seemed decent and no one else here would give her the time of day. She put down her drink and wiped her mouth at the corners hoping her lipstick wouldn't smudge. "Sooo...
  10. SHadeDee

    It started at the party...

    Beth heard a soft voice and looked up to see a clearly under dressed man. Seeing this made her feel, comfortable. It was nice to know that not everyone here was so uptight. She gave him a friendly smile and nodded "Hey" he looked so uncomfortable and he clearly felt out of place. She took a...
  11. SHadeDee

    Fantasy Dungeons and dragon (fully RP version)

    @SHadeDee, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  12. SHadeDee

    Fantasy Dungeons and dragon (fully RP version)

    @SHadeDee, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  13. SHadeDee

    Fantasy Dungeons and dragon (fully RP version)

    @SHadeDee, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  14. SHadeDee

    Fantasy Dungeons and dragon (fully RP version)

    You start off in a tavern but from there you can have incredible adventures with nothing stopping you I will be the dungeon master.
  15. SHadeDee

    Fantasy *Harness* The college of magic

    @SHadeDee, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  16. SHadeDee

    Fantasy *Harness* The college of magic

    @SHadeDee, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  17. SHadeDee

    Fantasy *Harness* The college of magic

    @SHadeDee, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  18. SHadeDee

    Fantasy *Harness* The college of magic

    "Hello! I am Ms. Shade the headmistress of "Harness" the college for special students." you and a group of others are standing in front of a place that looks like a brightly colored Gothic mansion. The headmistress a woman with dark brown hair and red eyes wearing a deep purple suit and her...
  19. SHadeDee

    Fantasy Can you survive? *10 spots left*

    @SHadeDee, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  20. SHadeDee

    Fantasy Can you survive? *10 spots left*

    @SHadeDee, please edit this post to include any OOC information