Search results for query: *

  1. MikeyPyro

    Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}

    Names James Just woke up from afternoon nap. 8 pm. Ma left text. Gone for Bernie Sanders Rally. Oh Lord yes. Few hours of guitar on my belt. Open closet. Filled to the brim with gently packed boxes of clothes, backpacks, books and old toys. Stacked on the side is the guitar case...
  2. MikeyPyro

    Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers

    Name James Age 17 African American, bit of a goatie going on, small nose, D shaped ears, slanted eyes(fell down some stairs both eyes got cut up) Personality Tough (his parents aren't happy unless he prays every night) Clique Himself, Jocks pick on him since hes alone and the nerds are...
  3. MikeyPyro

    Futuristic The Commune

    Creative alien adventure RP. Always accepting new humans to abduct.
  4. MikeyPyro

    Futuristic The Commune

    Talk to real people here.
  5. MikeyPyro

    Futuristic The Commune

    Name (With alien names you can take interest from cartoons, movies and shit like that. You can also roll your face on the keyboard if you like. But just don't have an alien named Bob or some generic human name. Save the Geoffs for the terrestrial species please.) Appearance (aliens are rather...
  6. MikeyPyro

    Futuristic The Commune

    This is an alien cover-up story where you guys get to be an alien (Grey, Reptilian, Martians ect.) or a human (boring, crazy, tin foil hat). You start out as a lower alien and you'll be on escort missions, abductions, crop circle signaling, cattle mutilation(PG I remind you), and your goal is to...