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  1. KayMegz

    Not sure where to put this RP...

    YES. I have done an X-Men based RP numerous times and it can get boring very fast if people are simply going to class, which has happened I think in every one of the RPs, even when I've tried different characters (from student to teacher to even the headmaster) but it always struggle during the...
  2. KayMegz

    Not sure where to put this RP...

    That would be awesome! I would love for you to help me with this and be in this RP. I have the general plot but I don't do a lot of planning typically, just kinda go with the flow until inspiration hits, or there's an idea from a TV show, book, etc. I want to steal from, lol. Not sure when I'm...
  3. KayMegz

    Not sure where to put this RP...

    If I were to start an RP loosely based off X-Men, but change a lot as in using the characters and concepts but not following the plot of the comics, movies, etc. at all, would this still go under fandom? I just want to make an RP about a school for mutants with the option for RPers to make...
  4. KayMegz

    A wild NIK has appeared!

    Hi! Welcome! I am also new and an aspiring author! Love fantasy, especially LOTR and Skyrim type settings. Hope to maybe RP with you!
  5. KayMegz

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    I don't know if this has been said already, I am a very lazy person and don't feel like reading 14 pages of posts lol, but my biggest pet peeve is LIMBO. Purgatory, etc. When an RPer has a character in the middle of doing something with your character and then disappears. This has happened...
  6. KayMegz


    @Sesquipedalian I am sitting here staring at the computer, unable to comprehend that you just used the term muse. That is literally what I call my own!!! When I am in a bad writer's block, my muse is missing. And then when I'm just full of inspiration and brain is going too fast for my...
  7. KayMegz

    Hey just wanted to say hi

    You look oddly familiar ;)
  8. KayMegz

    Hey Y'all!

    As the title says, hey y'all! My name's Meg here's a little bit about me: I'm a southern girl if you can't tell. Boot wearing, Jesus loving and all that jazz. Love me some cheese grits. I am an aspiring author! I currently have three novel rough drafts that were all inspired by an RP series...
  9. KayMegz


    Hi Sesquipedalian! I'm Meg and you couldn't have said it better, RPing definitely is co-writing a story. In fact, not only am I an aspiring author and love writing like you do, but my first trilogy I hope to get published was actually inspired by an RP I did! I couldn't have made it without my...
  10. KayMegz

    Having 10 posts

    Hi there! I'm also new and just wanted to say thanks for posting this even if it's wrong, I had this question too. Love the name btw, so clever!