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  1. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy {Private} Dark Zone

    WAH. Accepted lmao. Just need maybe one other then we can get a story goin'!
  2. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy {Private} Dark Zone

    @AntiSeptiplier, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  3. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy {Private} Dark Zone

    Talk about any out of rp stuff here lol
  4. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy {Private} Dark Zone

    Bio must have the following. Name Gender Species Age Height Looks Powers (if any) Mine. Name : Anti Gender : Female Species : A Godly Entity Age : Looks 20 but is over eighty years. Height : 5'11 Looks : Neon Green Hair And Eyes. Tan. Wears Half Black Top and Shorts...
  5. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy {Private} Dark Zone

    A'ight mates. I made this for me and a/some friend(s). Anyone can join but I prefer just my friends (sorry.) . Rules : 1- I guess I can allow cursing. 2- Use out of rp chat if you are not role-playing ,, duh. 3-make sure to make your bio mates. 4- follow rules 1 & 2 & 3.
  6. AntiSeptiplier

    Ifunny = _AntiSeptiplier_

    Ifunny = _AntiSeptiplier_
  7. AntiSeptiplier

    Being Rogue In A Dark Zone.

    Being Rogue In A Dark Zone.
  8. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    I do know you LIAR
  9. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    You're in lol
  10. AntiSeptiplier

    Powering Through Fallout 4 , Beaten Black Ops 3 Campaign On Realistic , Surviving On Kingdom.

    Powering Through Fallout 4 , Beaten Black Ops 3 Campaign On Realistic , Surviving On Kingdom.
  11. AntiSeptiplier

    Powering Through Fallout 4 , Beat Black Ops 3 Campaign on Realistic , Beating Players On Star...

    Powering Through Fallout 4 , Beat Black Ops 3 Campaign on Realistic , Beating Players On Star Wars Battlefront. No lie mate.
  12. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy Fallout roleplay

    ~Im using my character from Fallout 4 (cuz this is a fallout fan role-play) Name : Shards (Don't Ask.) Age : 25 Gender : Female Armor : Courser's Outfit , (Don't know true name .-.) and Assault Gas Mask. Weapon(s) : Assassin's 10mm Pistol (L.) , Institute Laser Rifle. Companion ...
  13. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy Fallout roleplay

    He's meh friend so Ima make his character sheet for him (He asked me to) :D ! ~~(One Character Only unless they died)~~ Name: Age: Gender: Weapon(s): Armor : Companion (Describe): (Optional) Looks : (Optional) Related To : If you play Fallout 4 and have legendary (put (L.)...
  14. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    Dam it Cj. You posted that a few minutes after I signed off. Lol.
  15. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    Kiki stood up. Her icy gaze looked at Siren. "I will avenge my brothers and sisters. I will set out at once to kill Kane." Her eyes darted to a case that had a rack inside that held ancient black armor. She smashed the case and took it. She put it on , a perfect fit. She saw the second silver...
  16. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    The clouds started to swirl overhead. Kane sighed. *Another merge and this early too...* She walked into town , still covered in blood , and went straight to the man. "Payment." The man was terrified of Kane and gave her the money. "Thank you. If any more monsters come up , find me." She said as...
  17. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    Kane busted down the door and slashed threw the startled vampires and wolves. She saw two humans that were recently marked. She slashed their throats. She wasnt taking a risk. She looked at Blank , who just shifted. Blank roared and lunged at her but she dodged and ripped her claws across his...
  18. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    Sure. :)
  19. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    Kiki screamed as they took her from Blank. *Is this when I die?* She started to cry. *Kane! Save me!* Her screams were muffled as one of the vampires took a rag and covered her mouth with it. Then Kiki felt a sharp pain on her neck. She thrashed against them. Eventually , Kiki blacked out. --...
  20. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    "A-Alright." Kiki went with Blank to the same house where the Vampire and Werewolves were fighting. They made it there before Kane.