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  1. failedmacarons

    Realistic or Modern Valley Lake Boarding High School

    I'll be gone for a few days. (for some reason the teachers decide that the best time to give us a bunch of tests and quiz is the first week after the winter break. ._.)
  2. failedmacarons

    Music Are you able to play an instrument?

    I've been playing the piano for about three to four-ish years...? I also starting playing the clarinet last year. I want to learn guitar but I doubt I will anytime soon. I also have a recorder and I've played it for one to two years, but then I stopped to focus on piano.
  3. failedmacarons

    Any New Years Resolutions ?

    Be more confident and become a morning person. Both are somewhat difficult for me but hey, let's see if I can stick to it.
  4. failedmacarons

    Realistic or Modern Valley Lake Boarding High School

    Jennifer Jade Pierce Appearance: Age: 17 Sexuality: Bisexual Favourite Subject(s): Physical Education, Art Least Favourite Subject(s): History, Personality: Jennifer loves being around people. She is extroverted and enjoys keeping company. She enjoys lyrical dance, ballet and wrestling...