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  1. SinfullyHatred

    Video Games For Honor & smite players here?

    Hey just looking for people who play xbox one and also enjoys playing for honor and smite. and i also play pc games like aura kingdom and path of exile. I'm also canadian, so NA. add my xbox one tag hi im callous
  2. SinfullyHatred

    Hey, looking for some partners to rp with

    Hello guys!  I'm looking for some rp partners because I haven't been really able to get into an rp that actually keeps me interested. If you guys want to make a plot together we can! I'm totally up for that! I have nothing else to say, I'm interested in the tags I've put in so if you want me...
  3. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy The path ahead character sign up

    Just give me a good description of your character down below.
  4. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy The path ahead - ACCEPTING

    The Story  As the world existed with dragons and all sorts of mythical creatures, there was a land consisting of abundant life and harmony..everyone got along and laughed with each other. As the sunlight grew dim in the sky everything changed.. The hearts of many turned dark as some have...
  5. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

    ( Hey guys where are we currently? I just joined this RP so it would be great if someone filled me in thanks! :3)
  6. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy Character Registration

    Name: Kuchiya White Nickname: Eclipse Age: 17 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual   Moral Standing: Good Current Residence: Highschool Year: 12...
  7. SinfullyHatred

    Main story

    Ashimatora looks around the fences that have been put down around the cloth tents with old rags they have scavenged along the way here. He sighs as he looks in the far distance thinking about the  peaceful place he is dreaming of being in. He shakes his head slowly as a tear comes to his face...
  8. SinfullyHatred

    Main story

    Out in a field somewhere there is a hand made village that has been put up by some survivors from the blue flash. Monsters lurk around at night and the survivors fight them off as much as they can and usually have to ditch the place they had set up for themselves in order to survive since their...
  9. SinfullyHatred


    Name: Ashimatora Age: 17 Appearance: Personality:  Defiant, Wise, Quiet, Understanding, Quick tempered. Likes: Standing out in a thunderstorm feeling the raindrops on his face as he looks up at the sky. Protecting others as much as he can without no one helping him. Being with a...
  10. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy Mystic People

    Full name: Jackson Mist Nickname/Alias: The Monster Gender:Male Age: 250 Appearance (appearance all forms of your character): Personality: He is a man full of mysteries, many has caught him as a bad guy. He is true to everybody he meets and helps them out when he can. He is...
  11. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy I heard things can't change...

    @SinfullyHatred, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  12. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy I heard things can't change...

    Talk about anything you need to here.
  13. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy I heard things can't change...

    Age: Gender: Power: Hobbies: Sexuality: Appearance: Biography: Weapon:
  14. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy I heard things can't change...

    I guess you have seen the title of this role play, everything in this role play is supposed to have a lot of emotion to it, I can not stress this enough. The plot is set in a town that has been ransacked by invaders scavenging for food, they tore the whole place apart, killed many people. Many...
  15. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy Demons Light Academy

    Name:David Age:17 Gender:Male Looks(picture if possible): Devil arms(weapons): Heaven's despair Familiar:Soul Personality: He likes to hangout with people but most of the time wants to be alone. He doesn't really like to love somebody because it distracts him on doing things...
  16. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy Unholy Judgement

    Ishida wakes up and yawns and looks at the clock. 'It's already 7:30am..' He thinks to himself as he struggles to get out of bed and go to school. He sits at the kitchen table and watches the television about the latest news. "A woman stabbed herself and her children; A lot of people are shocked...
  17. SinfullyHatred

    You wish you could change your mistakes, but you can't all you can do is keep moving forward and...

    You wish you could change your mistakes, but you can't all you can do is keep moving forward and hope you can change for the best.
  18. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy Unholy Judgement

    Appearance (Anime ) : Name: Ishida Yami Age: 17 Race/Species: Human Personality: Calm , Understanding, Reasoning, Quiet, Loving , Shy Likes: Reading , walking , Rain, writing , poetry , cats Dislikes: Jerks, Troublemakers , Morons, Spoiled brats , Dogs Hobbies: He started writing...
  19. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy Unholy Judgement

    NO FIGHTING WITH EACHOTHER OUT OF OOC. NO OP CHARACTERS ( FEEL FREE TO MSG ME IF SOMEONE IS BEING OP ) Romance is allowed I encourage it, But don't do love at first sight, Act like you have to do it in real life. You can use some cuss words. Drama is alright just don't get to dramatic to...
  20. SinfullyHatred

    Fantasy Unholy Judgement

    Give me ideas to add more to this Roleplay topic!