Search results for query: *

  1. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    (Sorry for slow replies. It's been nice out so I've been trying to enjoy it a bit more.) "I reserved us for now." He took her hand in his despite that she had not offered it. His touch would be forceful at first but once he held her small hand in his larger he would relax and hold onto her...
  2. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    "Ah, that's a shame. Let me change that. I've been a couple of times and I think you'll find it quite an experience." He stood, perhaps a bit too quickly, perhaps giving off too much of his impatience, but he calmly offered out his hand in the hopes she would place her hand and her trust in him...
  3. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    He ran his elegant fingers through his hair and took a seat across from Sonja. "Hello." He adjusted his clothes and turned his eyes upon her. "I've made reservations at a new restaurant. It's called Shadows. Have you heard of it? The one where you eat in the dark?" He tried to give as comforting...
  4. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    He raised his brows in surprise as the line on the phone clicked to silence then his expression changed to one of conceit. He had made her nervous. Or excited? Or perhaps better still, both? He stepped up to a tall mirror leaning against a wall and readjusted his tie. A few turns and glances and...
  5. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    "Perfect." She would be able to hear his smile in his tone. "Let's meet at the coffee shop and we'll go from there." His fingers tugged at his tie, loosening it from his neck, so he could open his shirt some. He felt his body heat rising. He noticed his leg had been bouncing and stilled his...
  6. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    "Saturday it is then. As for a place, I have something in mind but first I'd like to know if you like surprises." He hoped she said yes. He actually wasn't certain what he'd do if she said no. Maybe he'd go along with his idea regardless of her answer. For now, let her feel like she still had...
  7. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    "I've been well. Occupied with work but I usually am." He listened to the sounds in the background as she moved around. She wouldn't hear anything beyond his voice. He had remained in his office, briefly getting up to shut the door, to ensure silence. He listened to the ice cubes fall into the...
  8. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    A smile lengthened across his face. He knew it already. She was his. The fact that she called proved he held some small power over here. Now, to make that power grow. He absently rubbed his fingers over his chin, stroking his beard. "Why hello, Sonja. It's lovely to hear from you. How have you...
  9. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    He felt his heart thud harder when he recognized the number on his mobile phone. He had, after all, looked up her telephone number. He let ring a few more times before he finally answered and even then he paused a moment to listen for her breathing. It was only a second that passed in silence...
  10. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    He'd slept little and barely touched his breakfast. He'd returned to his own home, an apartment with decor similar to his office though more spartan. He believed only the essentials were really necessary to get by. He'd gone through his routine of a shower and settling into bed but didn't find...
  11. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    Finally, night arrived and he felt more in his element. With ease he'd made his way onto her property and into her backyard. There were motion sensors on the front but none in the back. Interesting, he thought. He'd quickly had enough of watching her through the windows. He'd not seen her move...
  12. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    He turned and left as she got in her car. He walked behind her car taking a mental note of the license plate number and continued across the parking lot heading towards his office. It was only a short distance away hence why he sometimes stopped at this particular coffee shop. Convenience. Thank...
  13. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    He grabbed up his paper and left his coffee cup and resisted the urge to touch her in any way. That would be unseemly of a stranger. He enjoyed the rush of warmth and light on his face and made mental note of how her hair shone golden. He wondered what it smelled like. He saw her pause as they...
  14. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    There was a rise of anger in the back of his throat as she started gathering her things to leave. Before he could protest it seemed life was there to intervene for him. He caught the girl in his lap and with a reflex helped remove her. He gave a courteous nod to the stranger, then stood and...
  15. Bashai

    Death is just a feeling.

    Death is just a feeling.
  16. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    "Sonja," he repeated. His voice had been flat and even but as he said her name she might notice the hint of a Southern accent. "It's a very pretty name." Quickly, deftly, his eyes glanced down at his watch and he noted he still had time to spare before he must leave this dainty flower. "What got...
  17. Bashai

    Hello there! Sorry things have taken a downturn for you. If you are around again and would like...

    Hello there! Sorry things have taken a downturn for you. If you are around again and would like to play I am back for the time being. Trying to get more active again. Otherwise, take care of yourself, keep your head up! Surely something good will happen along your way.
  18. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    A year. No, that wasn't very long. Perhaps she was fresh out of the university. She didn't look to be very old either. He made an effort to let his eyes move off of her and look around them. He didn't want to come off as creepy by constantly staring at her. Predatory ambition might be rising...
  19. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    He gritted his teeth at the jarring movement of the woman into their table and resisted the urge to grab the woman by the wrist and distribute a mild punishment. No, that wouldn't do. He mustn't scare this pristine vision before him. Making her uncomfortable with his forwardness was one thing...
  20. Bashai

    Never Again {Bashai and VampireByte}

    He sat back in his chair with a straight posture yet with one leg crossed over the other he seemed very relaxed. He was amused at how she tried to ignore him, like a small trapped creature trying to ignore the lingering predator maybe hoping it would go away. Maybe he would eventually. "I take...