Search results for query: *

  1. Daydreamer

    Gaining From Death (Private for me and fallenseraphim37)

    I sit in my seat watching as people scurry, trying to find a person that isn't a weirdo. Maybe there will be an odd number, and I won't get a partner so I won't have to participate With that happy thought, I continue to sit there. Hopefully no one will come and try to partner up. Nobody...
  2. Daydreamer

    Gaining From Death (Private for me and fallenseraphim37)

    I realize that I might look a little creepy just staring at him, so I averted my gaze to the bald man. "Now does anyone have something new they would like to share?" he asks. A tall Blondel girl who looks about 17, raises her hand. "I just went to my boyfriend's grave for the first time."...
  3. Daydreamer

    Gaining From Death (Private for me and fallenseraphim37)

    All I can think about now is Anthony. Not the old Anthony, but the dead Anthony. The pictures the cops showed me of his body to identify him. He was twenty, two years older then me, but still so young. His parents had died last year in a car accident last year, and he had no other family, so I...
  4. Daydreamer

    Gaining From Death (Private for me and fallenseraphim37)

    I glance at the boy who sat down next to me and smile a bit. Looks like he didn't get the memo about these kids either. Luckily I don't have to suffer through it long. The bald man walks into the center of the circle and starts talking. "We're going to start this meeting by telling the group...
  5. Daydreamer

    Gaining From Death (Private for me and fallenseraphim37)

    As soon as I walk in those doors, I want to bolt right back out. In the center of the room there are chairs all alligned in a circle. Other then me there are about four other people here. The "Leader is a man in his late thirties with a balding head, and taking one good luck at him tells me...
  6. Daydreamer

    Gaining From Death (Private for me and fallenseraphim37)

    ((1st Person))
  7. Daydreamer

    Looking for ACTIVE rp partner

    I'm new to this site and I already love it more the any other roleplay site. I'm looking for someone interested in Rping with little old me. I'm interested in: Realistic, Supernatural, romance, or 1x1. I mostly enjoy original RPs but would be willing to do Rps on fandoms like Divergent or...
  8. Daydreamer

    Looking to roleplay! Message me, I'm bored out of my mind.

    Looking to roleplay! Message me, I'm bored out of my mind.
  9. Daydreamer

    1x1 RP idea

    Sounds good. I guess I'll go start making the thread. I'll post the link when I'm done.
  10. Daydreamer

    Gaining From Death (Private for me and fallenseraphim37)

    Sometimes, if I close my eyes I can still see Anthony. I see his sweet smile and I feel like everything is alright. When I dream, I can hear his laugh. In those moments I feel like everything is normal. When I open my eyes, or wake up, I'm hit with the sharp pain of reality. It's days like...
  11. Daydreamer

    1x1 RP idea

    Would you want to be the boy or the girl, because I am fine with being either.
  12. Daydreamer

    Forbidden Love? (need Male)

    I'm interested, that is, if you don't mind RPing with a new member (I have roleplayed on different sites though)!
  13. Daydreamer

    1x1 RP idea

    My idea is simple and I'm open to any suggestions. A girl's best friend was recently strangled to death. Her mother encourages her to join a support group where she meets a boy going through something similiar. Long story short, they fall in love. Soon after joining the support group either...
  14. Daydreamer


    I've done all kinds, but I mostly stick to fantasy, realistic, and 1x1.
  15. Daydreamer


    So I literally just signed up 5 minutes ago. I have previous expierience roleplaying on other sites. I have been looking for a roleplaying site that has active users and this seems perfect. I have been told that my mind is a very "complicated" and that I can come up with some very creative...