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  1. AllOut

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

    Lucent and Aphotic watched from a good distance as everything began to repair itself and the new dragon arranged for his apple supply. Aphotic tilted her head in curiosity. "He says he comes from the Under lands, do you think we know him? " Lucent shook her head. "I have not seen him before...
  2. AllOut

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

    "It would be much appreciated as I do not know your lands" Lucent turns to Aphotic who has been at her side. "Off with you then, to wherever the dragons go. If I'm to be social, so are you." Aphotic internally rolled his eyes before nudging Lucent towards the man offering to show her around...
  3. AllOut

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

    "This place is for dragons and their human alike, if I am understanding correctly?" Lucent spoke, though she didn't know who she was directing her question toward. Looking toward the group in front them she called out. "Who is in charge here?" Caressing the scales of Aphotic, She waited for a reply.
  4. AllOut

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

    Aphotic: I believe it is time to introduce ourselves . You have had enough time to observe them. Lucent: Howshall I. Aphotic rises into the air and gives a great cry before going to land by Lucent's hiding spot near the lake.
  5. AllOut

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

    Lucent giggled from her hiding place. "These people are entertaining"
  6. AllOut

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

    Lucent watched from the shadows as a..(.girl?) jumped into the lake. She had been watching the group, trying to understand their different dynamics but kept her distance. Her dragon stayed further hidden, waiting for direction or a signal. Curious as to what was going on, Lucent crept a little...
  7. AllOut

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider

    Name: Lucent Rem Age:22 Personality: She is standoffish, but can be social. Not out of enjoyment, but more because she understands that a lack of companions in a time of need could be dangerous. For the most part on the outside she seems outgoing and friendly. In reality she is cautious and...