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  1. ElectromanceR

    Introductions, introductions..

    I thank you all for welcoming me, and i shall. ;D
  2. ElectromanceR

    Introductions, introductions..

    Hello everyone, I am ElectromanceR. I have a strong love for RPing though, it has been years since the last time I have been in a RP. I hope to start up again and liked the look of the site, I am looking forward to RPing again with you all. :3
  3. ElectromanceR

    Scarlet Luna [Sign-up]

    Name: Alister Crux Age: appears 30 in actuality around 400 years old. Gender: Male Portrait: Personality: Calm and collective, Alister has always had this personality even as a human. He has a bad temper though if subjects of certain nature are brought about, mainly about a past...
  4. ElectromanceR

    Dream Catcher SU

    I shall take a dreamer if you will allow me to, it seems fun to play the terrorized. Name: Oster Vernex Age: 24 Sex: Male Sexual Orientation: None of yet. Fears: He fears being alone and the destruction of his sanity and the world around him as he knows it. Having the understanding...