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  1. Vegeta

    Here I come with open arms :D

    Greetings, Earthling. Welcome to RPN, How are you today? I See, I See. I Myself am not too big of a fan of werewolves , nor did i take interest in reading twilight whatsoever. Nice interest though, Im not an Original / OC Typed Alien race . . But i am an "Alien". If that counts. I Think...
  2. Vegeta

    Other What Song Describes Your Life?

    FAH-FAH-FABULOUS //Accepts this lie because there isnt a song to define the amount of rage i have been going through
  3. Vegeta

    Alo, All!

    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to Rpn, How are you today? I See, I See. I Too am also a bit rusty and went on breaks. Due to fixing my roleplay skills to avoid being a god-mod in any way. I'm sure you'll get around nicely here, everyone is very friendly. You'll make a whole list of them in...
  4. Vegeta

    Hy, Hey, Hey, Guess What Day It Is!

    Greetings, Earthling Birthday You Say? Well Happy Birthday to You. Enjoy Yourself.
  5. Vegeta

    Hello there!

    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to Rpn, How are you today? Fairly new to roleplaying? Its alright. I've seen many others join here quite new to it themselves. Everyone here is very friendly so I'm sure you'll be making many friends the more you join roleplays and forum chats.
  6. Vegeta

    I'm new to Rpn but not rp.

    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to Rpn, How are you today? I See, quite the history with roleplaying then. I'm sure you'll get along well here and find your favorite roleplay types. A "Fallen Fairy"? Never heard of that before but it sounds interesting enough.
  7. Vegeta

    New and ready to mingle

    " Lord Vegeta " How Interesting . . . A Very dark sense of thinking? I Suppose i watch out for this. Good. Ha!, "Surprise Me". Id find nothing more worth watching then seeing a woman getting herself out of a very problematic situation. Especially another Earthling Woman.
  8. Vegeta

    Testing the waters...

    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to RPN, How are you today? Ooh... from AOL ? Seems many people started out roleplaying there. I myself never have though. Glad you decided to take a dive over here, its pretty nice here. I Haven't roleplayed here yet .. .but I've seen the roleplays. they are...
  9. Vegeta


    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to RPN, How are you today? I'm Here for you, what is it exactly you are having trouble with? As i am new just as yourself but ill help to the best of my abilities. Enjoy Your Stay.
  10. Vegeta


    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to RPN, How are you today? I'm sure as soon as you look in the roleplay section you'll be entertained with many many roleplays then, There are many cool ones out there. Enjoy Your Stay.
  11. Vegeta


    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to RPN, How are you today? Awesome, i look forward to seeing you in the roleplay section then. Everyone here is very friendly so I'm sure you'll have no problem making new friends. Enjoy Your Stay.
  12. Vegeta

    New and ready to mingle

    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to RPN, How are you today? Good. Haven't seen any dark twisted roleplays in a while but I'm sure you'll be a brave one and change that. Everyone is quite friendly here so I'm sure in a matter of minutes you'll have no problem making a bunch of friends. Awesome...
  13. Vegeta


    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to RPN, How are you today? Everyone is very friendly here so I'm sure you'll make new friends in a matter of minutes. But i do wish you luck.
  14. Vegeta

    I'm really new

    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to RPN, How are you today? New to roleplaying? I'm sure you'll do just fine. I look forward to seeing how much you improve here.
  15. Vegeta

    Your King Has Arrived

    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to RPN, How are you today? Huh . . . Well i cant say i didn't come here to meet this new "King"
  16. Vegeta


    Greetings, Welcome to RPN, How are you today? Since you were eleven? that's quite the amount of time you've spent.
  17. Vegeta

    Hello, Hello!

    Greetings, Welcome to RPN, How are you today?
  18. Vegeta

    Hello everyone.. I'm new to RP Nation

    Greetings, Welcome to RPN. How are you today?
  19. Vegeta

    Hello, friends!

    Greetings, Earthling Welcome to RPN, How are you today? I Look forward to seeing how well you fit in. People here are fairly friendly and take kindly to strangers. I'm sure you'll meet many new friends.
  20. Vegeta

    newbie here

    Greetings, Welcome To RPN. How are you today? New to roleplaying and RPN? In that case I Look forward to seeing how much you improve.