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  1. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Of course, so it would have to be a group larger than them. Hikaru I think would be a better support type character while Yagari would be a strong offensive attacker. (Think of video games) As for everyone else, no idea. @Koi Miazaki
  2. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Bandit attack sounds pretty good for now. It would force them to work together and get to know each other a bit better. @Koi Mizaki @Lepolarleopard (the one and only)
  3. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    The plot ideas I would have would only benefit my own weird stories sadly… I don't think we can do much as we have two OC's to wait for: Miyuki and the person who joined. So, we'll have to make sure that their OC's can join without much hassle. As for now, no idea of what could happen. Perhaps...
  4. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    No words escaped his lips as he glanced at the strange young woman who had just said, "hi" to him. Usually, no one bothered to talk to him unless they were a waitress or waiter. Perhaps, she was different in a way. Whether that was good or bad was up to anyone's guess. Her wide brown eyes...
  5. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    I understand as I have a test soon and one that got delayed. Don't feel obligated to reply if you can't. As Lepolarleopard said, school comes first. Just do your best. @Brinie
  6. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Unlike Shio, he doesn't usually insult people out loud. But if asked to give his opinion, he's very honest yet very blunt and cold. I was following the format that was instructed when a character was in thought. The format was to italicize the words and add single quotations. However, I bolded...
  7. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Yagari stared at the strange young woman. Why did she feel the need to cover up that? They were in a common place where manners weren't important. To add to that, one of the customers was impolite and managed to not get kicked out yet. 'Glidy? How old is she? Only children refer to objects...
  8. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    This is so… I never thought I would see something like this… I guess, I got something out of it in the end. This creature is so beautiful, so magnificent… Hikaru continued to watch the magnificent creature. Suddenly, the creature fluffed it's wings. Gasping in shock, he marveled at the sight...
  9. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Hikaru's legs began to ache as he continued to stroll down the street carrying several bags. To make matters worse, his stomach was growling. Sighing as he forced himself to continue, every step became harder. 'I'm so tired, but I'm not finished yet… I must… No one else wanted to or are drunk...
  10. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    The two young women who entered the shop looked to be about in their late teens, perhaps a few years younger than himself. The first girl was somewhat tall and a water bender. The other, to be honest, had never seen a girl like her. Strange yellow and orange clothes covered her body. Outside of...
  11. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    It's alright, Lepolarleopard and I are busy as of now as well. I'll reply later as well. @Brinie
  12. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Caught. @Lepolarleopard
  13. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    The faces are starting to annoy me a bit… I just want to delete the second one… @Lepolarleopard
  14. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Poor San, but we all get a laugh out a creature's expense. Great response by the way. :)
  15. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Regardless, it was awesome. @Gabriel Leko
  16. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Agreed, Yagari applauds you for turning the cards against Shio. @Gabriel Leko
  17. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Yagari is secretly happy about this and snickering as well… @Brinie
  18. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Ignoring the insult, he just waited to see what else would happened. If one was to make a ranking of insults, urchin would be at the bottom. It was about as offensive as one arriving early. Entering the shop, none of the three seemed to notice the door opening slightly. The fish place was with...
  19. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Not much of interest. @Lepolarleopard and @Gabriel Leko
  20. Leo296

    Fandom ATLA Universe RP

    Uh... Just read the last few posts...Not much... @Gabriel Leko