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  1. Haseobodom

    That moment when you sign up to role play and then you don't because schedule was bad

    That moment when you sign up to role play and then you don't because schedule was bad
  2. Haseobodom

    One-on-One Roleplay

    Alice stopped and looked up and then over at her sister. " hey you hear that?" She asked. Kittie turned to her and responded, "yeah I did. Two at least." "alright," said the old man, " you two hang back and get into position. We don't know who we're dealing with." At that moment Kittie began...
  3. Haseobodom

    Hello I'm new :)

    What types of RP do you enjoy? I'm always looking for people who enjoy a wide variety
  4. Haseobodom

    One-on-One Roleplay

    "40 years, 40 damn years we've had to live in this god forsaken land. I don't know who thought I was right to play God, but they sure screwed us over!" An old man stood at the top of small rubble pile surveying his surrounding. Off to the side and to the back were his scouting unit. 5 people...
  5. Haseobodom

    One x One One-on-One Roleplay

    Name: Alice and Kittie Bodom Age: 21 Gender: female Looks: This but just as humans Personality: Alice uptight and booksmart, straight forward thinker. Kittie wild and unpredictable, and clueless. Both loud, proud and hard to put down. Quick to anger and bursts of shouting...
  6. Haseobodom

    One-on-One Roleplay

    Haha nope
  7. Haseobodom

    Hello I'm new :)

    Hey, it happens to us all. New place new people
  8. Haseobodom

    Hello I'm new :)

    I started back when I was about 18 and stopped around 22 cause life got in the way and I haven't tried it sense cause I felt so out of the loop. But I found this place and are hoping to give it a chance
  9. Haseobodom

    One x One One-on-One ZA Roleplay

    Haha alright. Thank you anyways.
  10. Haseobodom

    Hello I'm new :)

    Pleasure to meet you.
  11. Haseobodom

    One x One One-on-One ZA Roleplay

    Mind if I join or is this closed?
  12. Haseobodom

    -Awkwardly shuffles over-

    Hello there :)
  13. Haseobodom

    Hello I'm new :)

    Yeah all of the new people!! Nice to meet you. I'm Haseo. It's a pleasure
  14. Haseobodom

    Hello I'm new :)

    Despite the site itself, do you role play or is this more of a social thing for you? Sorry if I'm being nosy
  15. Haseobodom

    Hello I'm new :)

    Nice to meet you. As you can probably tell, you can call me Haseo
  16. Haseobodom

    Hello I'm new :)

    Thank you for the greetings
  17. Haseobodom

    Hello I'm new :)

    Haha aren't we all. Nice to meet you :)
  18. Haseobodom

    Hello I'm new :)

    Hello anybody and everybody. If it wasn't obvious I'm new to site and I hope to make some friends and have some interesting role plays. It's been a while since I've RPed so I'm a little or a lot rusty. So please bare with me. And yes I know, this intro is a little dull. I'm not very good intros...