"There's a monster at the end of this book. It's the blank page where the story ends and you're left alone with yourself and your thoughts." - Night Vale Radio
I know Im not who you were asking but ascan old staffer that helped word that onevI think I can stand to offer a small form of an answer for you.
Immoral was originally used to cover thevidea that while something may be illegal in the States it may not be in other countries. RpN has a diverse...
Welcome to RpN. I appreciate your excitement for Roleplay, however advertising for off site rps is against Rpn policy. However, if you'd like to set up some 1x1 roleplays on the site, you're more than welcome. I'm sorry for any inconveniences this may cause and hope you can enjoy your time...
Fear not,
We are currently in the process of checking a few things and had to turn off the addon that made it possible. It'll be back momentarily when our testing is done. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and I apologize for any inconveniences it has caused.
With a look of grim seriousness at the situation, Seric nodded. Folding his arms across his chest he for once refused to let his pride get the better of him. He knew Etzil was right, he might never come back to this town. Very well might not, if he was honest. The cost of what he had offered...
Seric nodded, setting his now free hand over his heart. In a pseudo bow, he locked eyes with her. Determination burned in his eyes, " I thank you humbly for what you have given us, and hope that despite what we will face, we will return, for Byfox and you, with an answer and a cure."
Hey! Welcome to the site !
I'm glad you've chosen us as your first forum. If you like fantasy, I would check out some of the roleplays here. If none of those tickle your fancy, then by all means, feel free to set up your own! I guess other than that, I would say, make sure you read the site...
Oh. these are beautiful. I'm like, really digging those brush stroke textures in your roleplay character one, particularly in the lacey skirt. Can I ask what program it is your using?