Once assured the fae was securely in Genevieve's arms Akina took flight and made her way home as fast as possible. Already her mind was beginning to think the worst. What if her mate was dead? What if they were too late and the healer at camp couldn't do anything? She always thought she would...
Akina was relieved when they finally spotted the young fae, who was alive enough it seemed to try and run away in fright. Though she quickly fell and started to cower. Poor thing. Approaching the trembling form she kneeled down by her side and made soothing sounds. "It's alright young one. We...
Akina appreciated Genevieve's silence as they closer and closer to where she had spotted the injured faebourne. It allowed her to focus on scanning the area and not worry about being distracted. As they past the ocean and approached land Akina flew lower, almost skimming the trees and began to...
Ajisai Shizen
Ajisai resisted the urge to kick off the slippers her mother had forced onto her feet for the ceremony and her fingers twitched with the urge to pull at the scratchy fabric of the unfamiliar purple and white kimono that she had been forced into. The only thing that stopped her...
Akina Tori
Exact age is unknown even to her
Pack Rank:
Alpha Female
Mate (If applies):
Marco Hendrickson
Appearance (description and/or art):
In her alternate human form Akina loses her tail feathers and her wings and they are replaced with arms. Her...
Amai Sato
I don't want to hurt you, but I'm done letting you or anyone else hurt me.
Name | | Amai Sato
Age | | 18
Gender | | Female
Personality | | Amai is a very sweet and kind girl, always ready to help her friends and worries over others. However, her quiet and shy nature has led her...