Search results for query: *

  1. TheAngelOfMonday

    Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

    Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
  2. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    " I think we should." I walk up to the stairs and follow...wait I don't know his name. Well I'll call him hoodie.I go up the stairs slowly not looking ahead to see if Hoodie has gone ahead. I pick up a piece of glass that was on the floor after I see that the man had his hand on his sword...
  3. TheAngelOfMonday

    Normally I take the train but today I thought I'd take out my unicorn for a drive.

    Normally I take the train but today I thought I'd take out my unicorn for a drive.
  4. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    "I am actually stuck here because-wait who do you think you are when you enter thee's domain with a masked face. For I am king and thy kingdoms rules list for there to be identification." It has been a long time I had used a royal tone to make someone do something. "So are you here in need...
  5. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

  6. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    "The name is King Aiem Toppagando, and thank goodness you are not going to destroy this place because I really need that. When people see ghosts that are rumored to kill people they ruin this place since it's the only thing I have.There are people that try to ram down the castle and make me go...
  7. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    "Yes and first things first. I did not kill my wife, that was a drunkened jester." I rub my eyes and walk through him. "Be careful around these corners.There are sometimes snakes here.I mean we are in the forest after all.Explore if you like.Try and kill me if you like.Finally destroy as...
  8. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    I see as he rubs his eyes trying to see if I was an illusion. He flashes his light my way and I'm blinded becoming slightly more visible and trip over my kimono. Damn that portable candle light is strong is strong when the hell did they get that bright. I look to the blurry outline and...
  9. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    The boy walks down the main hall. So far no damage... I walk up to the boy and whisper in his ear, "To the left" I quickly run around the corner to the left making myself slightly visible. Let's see if this one cares enough to not believe the legend.
  10. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    I sit apon the desk that had rotted too far to use but brings be warmth a writing desk that I had used to written all those stories.Paper that had the words from long ago had yellowed and crumbled. Hearing a snap from outside I jerk my head up. So another visitor huh... I head down the...
  11. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    Do whatever you want
  12. TheAngelOfMonday

    There are totally no bodies in the closet to your left.

    There are totally no bodies in the closet to your left.
  13. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

  14. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    You start the rp as you first enter the forest and you can meet other people or you can head straight to the castle. Me myself is going to be the ghost.
  15. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    Name Gender Age Appearance (Dont really mind if it is a picture or a description) How you have heard of the legend of the forest
  16. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Tread in Lowensville Forest

    There is a forest of pinetrees at the edge of town that no one had ever had imagined of going into in fear of them running into the ghost that haunts the castle there. The legend goes as there is a man in a orange kimono that is stainded with the bloods that enter the castle that had been the...
  17. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Complex of Darkened Creatures

    Once again Itsuki sat in the room atop of the complex looking out at the street. "Dang mayor trying to get me shut down simply preposterous of him to do so don't you think Moni", he said to a blue tongued skink that sat apon his shoulder.The skink had been a gift from a girl who had lived in...
  18. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Complex of Darkened Creatures

  19. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Complex of Darkened Creatures

    If you are new to the RP then you should act if you just moved into the complex and all of the people are monsters but the goal is to keep who you are a SECRET. Also romances are allowed.
  20. TheAngelOfMonday

    Fantasy A Complex of Darkened Creatures
