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  1. Thznais

    Long term and committed role players wanted! (Closed...for now)

    @Calcifer We're in the same boat there, which is a definite plus! Do you have any cravings right now? I'm personally interested in an apocalyptic setting or some sort of survival theme.
  2. Thznais

    Long term and committed role players wanted! (Closed...for now)

    @Calcifer I, too, am committed and interested. What genres are you looking to roleplay?
  3. Thznais

    Harry Potter 1x1 Search

    @Mae Renea I'm interested in roleplaying some of these pairings with you! The one's that sound especially interesting to me are George x OC or Young Remus x OC. I'm also interested to hear your ideas with The Salem Institute or how a Dreamworks/Disney/HP crossover could look.
  4. Thznais

    【MxM】【MxF】Looking For a RP Partner

    I'll PM you.
  5. Thznais

    【MxM】【MxF】Looking For a RP Partner

    Perk up buttercup! I'd be interested in doing a MxF roleplay with ya!
  6. Thznais

    RP's,OOC talks and all that good stuff!

    I think I'm still too new to begin a chat as well...
  7. Thznais

    FxM or FxF Romance?

    @KatyaZaubaer I'd be interested in roleplaying with you! I think the pairings that strike me the best would be royalty or teacher (with the thought of teacher X student in mind). We should definitely brainstorm more and get a good plot rolling.
  8. Thznais

    Looking for a 1x1 RP Partner!

    @AFabulousCottonBall I'd love to do something along the lines of a dystopian roleplay with you!
  9. Thznais

    RP's,OOC talks and all that good stuff!

    @DanishKreddi I'd love to roleplay with you! I haven't done a lot of medieval roleplays, but I'm down to try if you're willing to be patient while I get the hang of it! :)
  10. Thznais

    Looking for a partner!

    Well I love the idea of starting before the apocalypse takes place. Do you have any other specifications? Like what type of disaster will cause the apocalypse?
  11. Thznais

    Looking for a partner!

    So I actually am too new to private message somebody...
  12. Thznais

    Looking for a partner!

    @Amber MacDonald I'd love to do a post apocalyptic roleplay with you!
  13. Thznais

    Forbidden Soulmates

    I'm interested at well! I'm still new on here, so I actually can't PM yet.
  14. Thznais

    Looking for Partner With Plot (OPEN)

    @Sicarius I'm brand new on here so I can't PM yet, but I'm interested in roleplaying with you!
  15. Thznais

    (FxF. FxM) So many plots, you’re gonna love ‘em: always open

    Hi! I'm interested in roleplaying hired hand, Apocalypse, age gap, or out lesbian/closet lesbian. Or a combination of any of them!
  16. Thznais

    1X1 RP partner needed!

    I'd like to roleplay with you! What's your Kik name?