Search results for query: *

  1. The Ohio One

    Many words to say hello!

    Hello pon! Welcome to the site, I'd be willing to have a chat with you sometime :D
  2. The Ohio One


    funny you asked that, because i already translated your nickname thing
  3. The Ohio One


    Hello A! welcome to RPN. Go cats! and kittens! if you would ever want to do something with me, feel free to send a pm!
  4. The Ohio One

    Dragon x Human Romance

    hmmm, interesting, i sounds like a good pairing. PM me if you'd like
  5. The Ohio One

    Noob Alert(sorta?)

    HI violet, nice to  meet you, im not that good at making long posts either, and we share the same views wehn it comes to how many people we want to rp with at a time, so thats cool! send me a pm if you want to chat or whatever
  6. The Ohio One

    A title is required, oh dear.

    hello, how are you? oh your good? i'm good too, that makes things easier...i guess maybe i like muffins but i usually have a breakfast sandwich for breakfast
  7. The Ohio One

    Introduction and Such

  8. The Ohio One


    well, i didn't want to just out right call you out on that in case i was wrong
  9. The Ohio One

    Introduction and Such

    i usually can post a couple of sentences when i'm rping. i am also not very good at creating plots
  10. The Ohio One

    Introduction and Such

    what kind of post length do you prefer, if any?
  11. The Ohio One

    Introduction and Such

    Yay! Also, you sound like a person that would be quite fun to rp with. Maybe we could sometime.
  12. The Ohio One

    Wait... can I swear on here?

    hello there, and welcome! I tend to listen to alternative rock music along with various random other things that i don't quite know what genre they are. Also, yay for distractedness!!
  13. The Ohio One


    Well hello there, and welcome to the site. I didn't know that CRD was a thing (if it is) but if it makes you feel any better i have ADHD
  14. The Ohio One

    Introduction and Such

    Hello there and welcome. I think having initials like that would be great!!
  15. The Ohio One

    Apocalypse RP?

    me is also interested! :D
  16. The Ohio One

    As Fate May Have It

    "i don't know, what might i be doing?"
  17. The Ohio One

    As Fate May Have It

    "Yeah, though I'm still looking for work, so if you have any suggestions I might be up for them" he chuckles smiling at her
  18. The Ohio One

    As Fate May Have It

    "im 19 1/2" what about you?" he replies
  19. The Ohio One

    As Fate May Have It

    "nice to meet you too" he smiles and shakes it "so want to know anything about me?"
  20. The Ohio One

    As Fate May Have It

    (NAHHH, you be fine) "your welcome, sooooo, i never asked your name, im gruffud"