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  1. SepiaInk

    Story The Wind Whispers

    Fisheye “No,” Daniel chocked out the word, hugging himself tighter. As if saying it wasn’t enough, he shook his head and took a step back, heels sinking into the wet sand. Joana’s feet followed his in what had become a practiced dance, keeping the distance between them short. “Dani, come...
  2. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    Phoebe slid down the rail, letting her body sink to the floor of the deck and claim the spot right next to the harpy. He flinched at the contact, muscles growing taught at the points where they touched, but otherwise remained still, eyes staring at some place beyond their reach. Or maybe just...
  3. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    Phoebe brought a thumb to her lips and started chewing on the overgrown nail, surprised and a bit disappointed when instead of the metallic and slightly acidic taste of ink, all she felt on her tongue was salt and wood. Frowning, she lowered her hand and crossed her arms to shield herself from...
  4. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    “No, please, you don’t have to thank me,” Phoebe interjected, eyes going wide as she gestured frantically between them. “That whole curse thing is just a load of-” she caught herself just in time, stopping herself from swearing. It was such a bad habit, she’d have to start working harder to...
  5. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    Phoebe had been trying to hold it in, but as soon as she opened her mouth to reply, a snort broke out and the giggles followed. She couldn’t have picked a worst moment to laugh, honestly, not when the other Chosen was trying his hardest to open up. Her own upset stomach certainly didn't enjoy...
  6. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    Phoebe whipped her body around and reached out for the harpy, but her fingers didn’t even graze his feathers. Her eyes fluttered and her mouth opened, but she chocked on the words. Letting her gaze fall to the ground, she pulled her hand back and hugged her waist tight. “Yes, you’re right,” she...
  7. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    Phoebe didn’t hesitate this time around. She slid her palm across Shelby’s much larger one, feeling the calluses and bumps on his skin, and grasped it, knowing the other would appreciate a firmer hold. “Yes, thank you. For everything,” she said. The smile that bloomed on her lips came as easy...
  8. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    The hands resting on her lap gripped the hem of her tunic, nails digging deep into sweaty palms. Phoebe’s breath hitched and her eyes widened as that barest of trembles in the harpy’s voice triggered a memory, an old one, worn around the edges and collecting dust where it sat at the bottom of...
  9. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    It was a familiar and welcoming smell that pulled Phoebe from the tight grasp of unconsciousness. Sweet, fresh and earthy, it wafted through the air and brushed the underside of her freckled nose, making it twitch and then flare so she could inhale as much of it as possible. Everything in her...
  10. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    Phoebe raised her chin and huffed, groaning when the coolness of her breath was engulfed by the hot and humid air of the forest as soon as it left her mouth. The heat was so unbearable, it actually made the entrance of that ominous temple, with those dripping sounds of water bouncing off its...
  11. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    Phoebe perked up at the human’s words, not wasting any time and immediately raising her hand to catch his attention. “I have a question. Why would fire mages decide to live in a place like this? What exactly does your family do here?” she asked, quickening her pace so she could walk alongside...
  12. SepiaInk

    Other Writing Games! Join Anytime!

    Title: The Other Word Count: 500    The sun was about to set and there Melissa was, sitting on the stairs of her porch, cleaning a gun that didn’t need any cleaning while mosquitos prepared to make a feast out of her bare legs. All because that woman was still out there...
  13. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    Phoebe raised the hand Shelby had shaken to her face, pretending to scratch an itch above her lips so she could inhale the unidentified scent still clinging to her fingers. One whiff and it was like she was there in that unseen garden, burying her nose in rich soil and coming up with two...
  14. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    The crease on Phoebe’s brow deepened at the boy’s exchange with his aunt, hands clenching into fists at her sides to keep this sudden flare of distaste in control. Her lips parted but then Kito nudged her and the fire went out, words dying before they could ever leave her mouth. She was left...
  15. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    The harpy had the hem of her shirt pinched between his knuckles, claws curled inwards and as far away from the fabric as his joints allowed. There was nothing special about the gesture, it was a perfectly logical way of doing it, simple and easy. And yet she couldn’t look away, gaze trapped by...
  16. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    Making sure to avoid eye contact, Phoebe took the handkerchief and wiped her mouth with one quick swipe. After going through the unnecessary motions of folding it, she handed the soft cloth back to him. “Thank you,” she mumbled, refusing to look up from the floor. Before she could stop it, her...
  17. SepiaInk

    Story The Wind Whispers

    Yeah, it’s not the first time I’ve heard that critique to be honest, I definitely struggle with tone in my stories. I’ll be sure to look out for that next time though. Maybe have someone reading my story as I write it to keep that in check? I don’t know, it’s not something you can easily fix...
  18. SepiaInk

    Story The Wind Whispers

    ON THE EDGE As soon as his sensors became operational and his optical visors gave him a clear image, Avis wished he could shut them down again. He was hanging in the air, hundreds of kilometres above the desert. It wasn’t that he was afraid of heights, that would be silly at best and a...
  19. SepiaInk

    Story The Wind Whispers

    Hello there :-) Just in the mood to share some short stories with you all and create an incentive for me to write more often along the way. There won’t be a focus on any specific genre, so hopefully there’ll be something for everyone.  Constructive criticism is always appreciated, since I’m...
  20. SepiaInk

    Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

    Mornings have never been a particularly pleasant experience for someone like Phoebe, especially the ones following sleepless nights, but this one was shaping up to be the worst one yet. She was taken back but how disorienting it felt to wake up on a boat. Not only was the constant rocking...