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  • Users: xDani
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  1. xDani

    Haven't been on here for a while... probably 'cause it didn't work out well for me...

    Haven't been on here for a while... probably 'cause it didn't work out well for me...
  2. xDani

    Gray Mansion--Sign-Up Here!

    *facepalm* did any of you read the thread?
  3. xDani

    1x1 anyone?

    Never played StarCraft >.<
  4. xDani

    1x1 anyone?

    i'm so tired and lazy I'll check it out tomorrow~
  5. xDani

    1x1 anyone?

    Well... What's it about?
  6. xDani

    1x1 anyone?

    I'm not a major apocalyptic fanatic, but if you could think up something interesting I could probably do it. Modern fantasy/future sounds more my type, but I'm dead-tired, so I can't really think up anything interesting right now (or ever, really. Very uncreative lately).
  7. xDani

    1x1 anyone?

    Alright... Any ideas?
  8. xDani

    1x1 anyone?

    So I'm new... and bored... and yeah... I like semi-lit and prefer unrealistic. Romance is canon with moi. Anyone? .-.
  9. xDani

    Gray Mansion (Teen/Romance RP)

    Table of Contents TOC Introduction Storyline/Plot Rules Sign-Up My Characters Introduction Hello! I'm new, I'm Dani. I've roleplayed for around six years now. This is a cliché idea, and I by no means claim it as fully mine. I figured cliché is cliché for a reason, and since it's my...
  10. xDani

    Gray Mansion--Sign-Up Here!

    Sign-Up Here Character Form Name: Age: Gender: Orientation: Basic Personality: Height: Eye Color: Looks: Other: My Characters Echo Name: Echo Leda Envy Cerona Age: Seventeen Gender: Female Orientation: "Bi, but more towards the straight side." Basic Personality...
  11. xDani

    I DO NOT LIKE THIS. I DO NOT LIKE THIS ONE BIT. ._. oh being new is so not fun.

    I DO NOT LIKE THIS. I DO NOT LIKE THIS ONE BIT. ._. oh being new is so not fun.
  12. xDani

    Ah... the dreaded 'introduction', eh?

    Hello there, I'm also new, and looking to meet people. You sound like someone I may or may not get along with well. Welcome to the site, I guess, although I feel odd saying that considering you've been here longer than me. >.<
  13. xDani

    Bonjour, chatons! I'm Dani, and oh yes, it'd be nice to meet you.

    Oh gosh. I'm so nervous. I shouldn't be this nervous. >.< Gaaah! :oops: Hi there. I'm Dani. I love Doctor Who, so much. It's helped me in so many different ways, I don't know where to begin. Any other Whovians? I like dying my hair, as I've done since fourth grade. I have a septum piercing...
  14. xDani

    Oh gosh. It's been so long since I've been new. Well, bonjour!

    Oh gosh. It's been so long since I've been new. Well, bonjour!