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  1. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay

    Robyn had remained on the sidelines, merely a spectator spending the majority of the confrontation absolutely confused. The different sides of the whole "Harry Potter" events didn't entirely make sense to her, for a while she was even sure Voldemort was actually the potions teacher. Snape didn't...
  2. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay

    Robyn wasn't the kind to get involved with the business of others, however she was willing to sacrifice the last of her Wound-Healing Potion for the ones in need. She reached deep into her pockets and handed a small purple vial and a dropper to Heather before placing her on on her hip and...
  3. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay

    "Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage. Because I've been getting hurt an unreasonably amount this year, I've decided to brew up a wound-healing potion, although I will read almost anything that you hand me." Robyn kicked at her robes to try and untangle them and only halfway managed to...
  4. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay

    Robyn blushed and rubbed the back of her head, resulting in all the books hitting the ground. While picking them up she made sure to keep her glasses pressed onto her nose. "I actually just fell down the stairs, I was too absorbed in the book I was reading and didn't realize there were some...
  5. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Kingdom Hearts: The Rise of Darkness (DEVELOPMENT)

    There was a time in which our many worlds were united as one, under one sky with nothing but the purest of light covering not only the land itself, but the hearts of the living. With very little conflict arising, everyone lived in peace, beneath the ever watchful eye of the elusive Kingdom...
  6. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Kingdom Hearts: The Rise of Darkness (DEVELOPMENT)

    @Irresponsible Waifu, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  7. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Kingdom Hearts: The Rise of Darkness (DEVELOPMENT)

    NAME: AGE: GENDER: APPEARANCE: (Prefer an actual description instead of an image, but either will do) PERSONALITY: BIOGRAPHY: MEMENTO: (How important it is to your character and the relationship of the person who gifted it) OTHER INFO: NOTE: ALL CHARACTERS ARE FROM THE SAME TOWN...
  8. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Kingdom Hearts: The Rise of Darkness (Accepting)

    (Head on over to the Overview tab for rules and information!) This is the story of when our worlds divided, and the rise of darkness in an otherwise perfect world. Our story begins with our heroes drifting in the darkness, a shining beacon among the void.
  9. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay

    Robyn nearly bolted when her shoulder was tapped, however she couldn't see where she was going and would likely find herself lost in the Forbidden Forest. She spun around to and saw the person doing some kind of motions with her wand, saying something, and Robyn's first thought was that she was...
  10. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay

    Robyn made her way through the main entrance, flicking her wand about and muttering to herself while attempting to read the small print on the back of a torn sheet of paper. Her glasses broken, she was unable to properly make out the words she had written down for just this scenario. To make...
  11. Irresponsible Waifu

    Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay

    Name: Robyn Maldroit Age: 16 House/Profession: Ravenclaw Bloodline: Half-Blood Wand: Unicorn Hair, 11 inches, Willow Wood, Rigid Physical Appearance: Robyn is rather short at only 5'3, many mistake her for as young as a first year. Her light brown hair often covers her face since she...