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  1. Pieinator


    hiya, thanks! 8D Pearl is one of my faves as well, but you likely could tell because of the icon xDD <3 @jadafun that actually looks p cool! ; o ; i'll check it out when i have the time 8D
  2. Pieinator


    hi there! and thanks, right back at you ;)
  3. Pieinator


    yep yep! tis Pearl! 8D and thank you all so much for the warm welcome <3 @jadafun at the moment im really looking for a su or doctor who rp! c: but i also really love fantasy and sci-fi stuff and things and im definitely open for other genres if theres a good enough plot :3
  4. Pieinator


    Hi there, I'm Pieinator but feel free to call me Pie^^ c: I quite new to this site so I figured I'd say hello to everyone! I can't wait to start rping on here 8D