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  • Users: Jonah
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  1. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    (I'm fine with the time skip...) Aham, forgot about Hampton and walked back to his trailer. Better get some rest for tomorrow's show. He slipped into his oversized pajamas. I knew that deal was to good to be true. He petted his Scottish Fold Munchkin kitten, warm and fluffy, and try to get...
  2. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    Aham was delighted that Ava had taken Sara as her new caretaker. "Good luck," he said to Sara. He picked up his over coat and put it back over his shoulders. Aham walked back towards his trailer to continue unpacking the mess, maybe practice his fortune telling. After all, he had to learn a few...
  3. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

  4. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    Sorry about the replies not being long enough I'll try to make them longer.
  5. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    Aham turned to Sara, agreeing to her proposal. "I think that is a wonderful idea but you should try and gain her trust for she doesn't like the fact of having people taking care of her. I give you the best of luck," he said. He turned around backed to Ava to see that she had taken his coat...
  6. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    I'm so happy there is going to be more people! YAY!!! I've started coloring the dialogue of my character. I hope that helps the readers (^.^)
  7. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    "I've got it Misa." Aham offered his over cloak and placed it on the ground next to her feet. "We are not 'weirdos.' We are just regular beings who contrast from other people. We are set apart and sometimes that's best for everyone." Aham walked over to Misa, the motherly figure, and asked, "Who...
  8. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    Aham, shocked by Ava's reaction, tried to comfort her. "Now, why were you running like? Did something scare you? Whatever it is I'm sure it's gone by now." He offered his hand once again trying to show his trust but something didn't seem right. Why wasn't she reacting? Now it all made sense, the...
  9. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    Aham, startled by the impact, picked Ava's cane up and lightly tapped her with it. He then glanced at the snake carrying away the blade. "Were you planning to hurt with that?" he asked. "Well it won't do you much good now, a snake has just carried it off." He offered the child her cane hoping to...
  10. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    Sry I haven't been on lately I've been a little busy but I just posted so I guess that's all right. I'm trying to get more involved in the story... @XDBuggyBatXD
  11. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    Aham perambulated about the camp stopping here and there, either to look at some weird oddity, or to peer into a trailer that caught his eye. He mostly saw trailers packed full of many things that included things he already had or wished to have. After his brisk walk, he soon stopped to see some...
  12. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    Aham Aham had just finished backing in his trailer when he heard the message being read aloud. Soon after the announcement, he slugged back to his trailer to unravel the huge mess. All his life's necessities... bought at a convenience store, RV park, and furniture store. Nothing of value...
  13. Jonah

    Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

    Name: Aham Show Name: Aham (means "the Devourer") Age: Over 1000 years of age (looks in the 20s) Origin: Within the Red Pyramid of Acanthus, Egypt (now called Dashour) Sexuality: Straight How long have they been in the circus: Just joining the circus Species: Mummified...