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  1. cardiacsunshine

    Fantasy There's a Beat

    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on recently- RP nation stopped sending me e-mails?? To tell me when new posts were made? Has this happened to anybody else before (aside from @Moonstruckforest because I already talked to her)
  2. cardiacsunshine

    Fantasy There's a Beat

    Gwen quickly wrapped up her conversations with 2 nods and a smile in thanks for the Graham cracker. She was glad she had gotten to at least begin to get to know her classmates- and with that small bit of happiness began to read the rules of class as they were written on the board. She wouldn't...
  3. cardiacsunshine

    Fantasy There's a Beat

    "I suppose you're right- it would be hard to judge if you're in the center," Gwen smiled, glad she keep up a conversation with at least one of her new classmates. "Being a classical is very... Boring," She sighed, letting a small pout shine through. "I want to be able to learn something a...
  4. cardiacsunshine

    Fantasy There's a Beat

    "I'm Gwen- a classical," She replied, relaxed by the girl's smile. Quickly, since class was about to start, she gathered her things and took the desk right next to Cecily, as to make conversation easier. "Pop, huh? I only know a little bit about it from my studies in home, but from what I gather...
  5. cardiacsunshine

    Fantasy There's a Beat

    Gwen had turned a little bit, finally looking up from her spot at the desk in front. "I knew the fundamentals of some tech traits, but I never guessed they would be that... flashy..." She murmured, her interest firmly grabbed by the pulsing lights. While looking back, she had also noticed the...
  6. cardiacsunshine

    Fantasy There's a Beat

    Gwen wandered into (what she hoped was) her homeroom classroom. Since she was early by about 15 minutes, she took a seat in the front of the classroom and shuffled around the few supplies she thought to actually bring, nervous about being the one to start interaction with any of her new...
  7. cardiacsunshine

    Fantasy There's a Beat

    Oh mygod I'm so sorry I haven't been on recently!! Life got to me for a while there, and I don't have many (really any tbh) active RPs that keep me checking the site, so I tend to forget to look since i don't have e-mail notifications set up. I am! Totally ready though! Sorry for the wait...
  8. cardiacsunshine

    Fantasy There's a Beat

    @MissingBolt yeah, I'm still up for it as well!! But the same for me- school limits me to evening posts and late night posts on the weekends.
  9. cardiacsunshine

    Fantasy There's a Beat

    Name: Gwyneth 'Gwen' Amello Age: 17 genre: Classical Appearance: Right Here (I can change it to a description if the image thing isn't ok~ I'm flexible) Crush <3: Personality: Normally a quieter girl, but recently has been acting rebellious and a bit more outspoken. Does not do well...