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  1. Warped Toxin


    Harumi ran straight past him and to Aiden. He wished she could still read minds so she could just find out that he liked her. "I don't stand a chance againt Aiden!" He thought.
  2. Warped Toxin


    Connor used his air to make his way onto the air vehicle. He found his way to the main area, he found two people, a boy and a girl. "Umm, hi. Do you know anyone named Harumi?" His voice was just loud enough for them to hear.
  3. Warped Toxin


    Username: Warped Toxin Name: Connor Age: 16 Gender: Male Looks: Brown hair and brown eyes (I'll post a link when it lets me) Personality: He's very quiet but can get angry easily. Power: He can manipulate air. Crush/Bf/Gf: Harumi (though I'd make another love triangle) Other...