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  1. Vanilla

    Roleplay Thread

    Tana the Fletchinder || Soldier || Destirian Cliffs For a brief second, Tana caught motion in her peripheral vision up the mountainside.  Unfortunately, it was all the time she was allotted to process the situation unfolding before her.  At first, there was a slight crackling sound, like the...
  2. Vanilla

    Creation Corner

    I finally got around to drawing my character (last weekend actually but I forgot to post it oops), and I figured I'd go ahead and share it with everyone!  Here it is! 8D
  3. Vanilla

    Tana the Fletchinder

      Name: Tana   Species: Fletchinder   Gender: Female (She/her)   Faction: Soldier   Island: Destirae   Moves: Tailwind, Quick Attack, Peck, Ember   Personality: Arrogant and hot-headed, Tana acts exactly as a native of Destirae would be...
  4. Vanilla

    Discussion Thread

    Sorry that I disappeared when the site updated, I wanted to wait until things were fixed up before making a fool of myself trying to learn the new system (I've had to re-write this post twice since it wouldn't go through so I still don't really know what I'm doing lol). :'D I'm really...
  5. Vanilla

    Roleplay Thread

    ooc: no worries! take all the time you need on responses, i completely understand the struggle. i really enjoyed reading your post, and i love your idea of drills! c8 Tana the Fletchinder || Soldier || Destirian Cliffs As steam began to rise from the Bagon’s mouth, Tana felt a nagging wave...
  6. Vanilla

    Roleplay Thread

    Tana the Fletchinder || Soldier || Sanctum City, Military Base (Dining Hall) The end of lunch was met with chaos, brought about by an unlucky messenger reporting from some scouts stationed high up near the peaks of Sanctum Sanctuary. The only leaders about had begun to scurry around and speak...
  7. Vanilla

    Discussion Thread

    @Ribbons: I think a skype group sounds like a wonderful idea! Getting to know each other better might help things run a bit more smoothly, and as @Jigen said, allow us to collaborate more easily. I also think that the Tidbits and Trivia idea sounds great as well! I feel like having a better...
  8. Vanilla

    Discussion Thread

    @ectoplasmius: Your icon looks awesome! I really love the textures you incorporated into the picture, and I think it does look quite similar to the gen I/II style! Nice job! 8D
  9. Vanilla

    Discussion Thread

    @Ryve: I can't even tell you how many times I replayed that, it is so beautiful. Amazing job! 8D
  10. Vanilla

    Discussion Thread

    @Bunny Prince: I LOVE THEM! They look so nice and cute and precious. I love how you colored Adriel because I feel like you nailed the psychic-look, and Percy is just perfect, of course. c8
  11. Vanilla

    Discussion Thread

    @QuickSilvi: Oh, how embarrassing. I didn't even notice... oops. c': But, now that I can see them, I must say that they look absolutely adorable together! And oh my gosh, both Pip and Benji are such precious cuties I can't even handle it. ;-;
  12. Vanilla

    Discussion Thread

    @CompuCat: THAT SOUNDS SO AWESOME! It totally gives me those classic Nintendo battle-theme song vibes, and it's just such a fun and lively composition! I cannot wait to hear more! @QuickSilvi: For some reason I can't see the picture? I dunno if it's just me or what (since I'm struggling to...
  13. Vanilla

    Roleplay Thread

    (OOC: Hope it's alright if I post! I don't know if there's any specific order or anything, but I was too excited to write with Tana again so I just went for it.) Tana the Fletchinder || Soldier || Sanctum City, Military Base “RISE AND SHINE YOU PATHETIC SUNKERN! LAST ONE TO THE FIELD THIS...
  14. Vanilla

    Discussion Thread

    @Ryve: Your artwork is astounding! All of our characters look so great together, and it's awesome that you were able to show off each of their unique personalities as well! It makes me so excited to start role playing, AHH! And your legendary bird trio piece is so detailed and colorful--I...
  15. Vanilla

    Discussion Thread

    @Bunny Prince: Your drawings look lovely! I really adore Percival's angry expression. I can't wait to see the colored versions!
  16. Vanilla

    [Character Sign-Up] Islands of Origin

    Name: Tana Species: Fletchinder Gender: Female (She/her) Faction: Soldier Island: Destirae Moves: Tailwind, Quick Attack, Peck, Ember Personality: Arrogant and hot-headed, Tana acts exactly as a native of Destirae would be expected to. She is proud, brave, and would do anything to...
  17. Vanilla


    Nice to meet you too, Galactic! I'm very happy to be here! And thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to check it out! ^^ It's nice to meet you Carter! Thanks for all of the helpful links, it's much appreciated! Everyone here is just so warm and welcoming, haha. ^^ And wow, that's a...
  18. Vanilla


    Hello everyone, it is nice to meet you all! Uhh... I'm pretty bad at introductions but I guess I'll try. My (internet) name is Vanilla~ I've just recently joined and I'm really looking forward to making this my new role playing home! I am not new to role playing, I've actually been doing...