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  1. Time Lord

    Searching for Doctor Who or Sherlock roleplay partner!

    Hey! I'm looking for someone who might want to do a 1X1 Doctor Who or BBC's Sherlock with me!I can play cannon, but I cannot promise I will be good at it! Here is a list of characters I can play: (Please not that all characters WILL be a bit OOC. I'm still working on it!) ~The Eleventh...
  2. Time Lord

    DN Anites (Always Open)

    Xavia lowered her head, ears flattening. "Oh." She said softly, "I am sorry." She looked up, ears pricking once more as she smiled down at Artemis. "Hello." She chuckled softly.
  3. Time Lord

    DN Anites (Always Open)

    Xavia smiled, "It's nice to meet you. All of you." She took a tentative step forward, "A-are you all Gifted's too?" She asked softly, inspecting everyone in the group. She eyed Ranger, tail flicking. She took a few more steps forward, careful not to anger Ranger, or Jason, who seemed to be in...
  4. Time Lord

    DN Anites (Always Open)

    Xavia smiled brightly, "Hello!" she exclaimed, her curiosity overpowering her usual shyness towards new faces. "I'm Xavia. What's your name then?" She asked, ears pricked. Her wings shifted excitedly, she hadn't seen a friendly face in months. She'd been staying back, in the shadows for a...
  5. Time Lord

    DN Anites (Always Open)

    {Okie Dokie!} Xavia strode towards Stonehenge, ears pricked forward in interest as she spotted a group of people. Not sure if they were friendly, she tried to look as harmless as possible. Which was rather hard when you looked like you were half dragon. "Hello?" She called, stepping towards...
  6. Time Lord

    DN Anites (Always Open)

    {M'kay! Where can I pop in?}
  7. Time Lord

    Hey! I'm Timey! ^^

    ​Thanks! ^^
  8. Time Lord

    DN Anites (Always Open)

    Name: Xavialia Sophia Terazz Nickname: Xavia Age: 21years old Gender: Female Heterosexual,Homosexual,or Bisexual: Hetero Looks: Personality: Xavia is...fiery. She's not fond of being bossed around and being told what to do. But she's kind when she wants to be, which...
  9. Time Lord

    Hey! I'm Timey! ^^

    Hi there everybody! I'm Time Lord, but everybody just calls me Timey. I just joined this site today, mostly because I was looking for more people to roleplay with! I am on two other sites, Chickensmoothie, and Awesome Sauce. But, either nobody is interested in the fandoms, or, I'm already...