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  1. Natalie Ann

    The War of Music

    Character sheet. (Example) Name: Infinity Hustuni Sex: Female Age: 16 Music: Classical Instrument: Violin About~ Infinity has green hair and pine green eyes, she sings as well as play violin. She grew up with music, she would always create some sort of power with it. Her...
  2. Natalie Ann

    The War of Music

    @Natalie Ann, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  3. Natalie Ann

    The War of Music

    @Natalie Ann, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  4. Natalie Ann

    The War of Music

    @Natalie Ann, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  5. Natalie Ann

    Fantasy The War of Music

    The War of Music Ever since a year ago, our world has gone into a deadly war. A war of music. Before you how this would happen, let me start from the beginning. It all started with an opinion, an opinion that would change how we lived. One thought that classical music was much better...