Search results for query: *

  1. Kaitlynishere

    This is my remote.

    Welcome, Tyler! :D
  2. Kaitlynishere


    Would you like to talk it over in PM? @Meisaki
  3. Kaitlynishere


    I'd love to rp Project K with you! And yeah, I dont want to mess up any of my favorite characters too xD @Meisaki
  4. Kaitlynishere


    Yup! Would you like for me to PM you? @darkwolf (btw I like your profile picture :D )
  5. Kaitlynishere

    Allergies and retainers suck ;-;

    Allergies and retainers suck ;-;
  6. Kaitlynishere


    Hmm.. Sounds interesting! Would you like me to make the thread for the rp? @ellact2000
  7. Kaitlynishere


    I cant really think of one x3 @ellact2000
  8. Kaitlynishere


    That's okay! @katybug1314
  9. Kaitlynishere


    Sure! Since Im new, I cant PM you. So we'll have to RP on the forum thing @katybug1314
  10. Kaitlynishere


    Oh thank god, because I honestly dont know many actually celebrities and such. I guess... AmazingPhil or Danisnotonfire? (if you know of them, that is) @katybug1314
  11. Kaitlynishere


    Hmm.... Do Youtubers count as celebrities? x3 @katybug1314
  12. Kaitlynishere


    @katybug1314 Thanks! Sure, I'd love too. ( :) )
  13. Kaitlynishere

    Greetings Earthings

    Welcome to RPNation, friend!
  14. Kaitlynishere


    @ellact2000 That sounds good! @MayaT Sounds great! @katybug1314 Can you explain a bit? ( ^_^ ;)
  15. Kaitlynishere

    Um... Hello there, Im Kaitlyn.

    I sadly must go to bed soon. I'd stay up, but I had a 12 hour car ride today (I just got back from vacation) and had 5 hours of bad sleep. @NeedlesInThread
  16. Kaitlynishere


    Hello @MayaT ! What sort of RP would you like to d0?
  17. Kaitlynishere

    Um... Hello there, Im Kaitlyn.

    I feel bad now for making you make a kik ;-; Thank you for understanding, though! (*´・v・) @NeedlesInThread
  18. Kaitlynishere


    Im in search of a roleplay buddy(ies)! I have many ideas and happen to be part of many fandoms (the life of a fangirl). I can do modern, fantasy, or anything like that. Im pretty much okay with really anything ( ^_^ ) Some fandoms I happen to be in are: Welcome To Night Vale, RWBY, Attack On...
  19. Kaitlynishere

    Look for partners <3 (lots of ideas inside!)

    Hello! I'd be interested in roleplaying with you ( ^_^ ;)
  20. Kaitlynishere

    Um... Hello there, Im Kaitlyn.

    Alas, I would PM you, but since I happen to be a new member, I have to wait 24 hours before Im allowed to ( ^_^ ;)