Search results for query: *

  1. D

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Leonard had no idea what the bigger man was saying. Automatically, he assumed it was stupid. Of course, Leonard was also unable to ask a person to clarif or explain things to him. Trying to contemplate, Leonard took it as a joke, and not to make the big man feel bad, he laughed about it. "Ahaha...
  2. D

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Orcs... Leonard has heard that word before in his life but couldn't remember where. That's right! He's heard it a bunch of times! "Mumma call Leonard orc too!" He declared proudly, not sure what the rather large man and the slightly smaller man were arguing about. "But whenever mumma say orc...
  3. D

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Leonard felt the girl getting angry. All that went on around him sped through, racing in and out of his brain faster than he was able to comprehend. He thought the girl was a little sad though. Who could blame her? After all, she was an orphan. A b-b-b- a bad word that started with a b like...
  4. D

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Leonard laughed, leaving his jaw hanging. "Tank you!" He gratified the man, taking a bowl from the man's hands. Finished the ninth bowl, Leonard looked to the man again. "Mumma always says: 'remember your manners!'", Leonard told him with a mouth still full of stew. Leonard then inhaled the...
  5. D

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Leonard's voice did a decrescendo, as he turned back into his normal state. A little girl? An orphan? She's almost like a half version of Leonard! Though she did need to be a little bigger to be half. Oh look, stew! Leonard didn't have a proper meal since he last left a...
  6. D

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    After a long day of traveling, Leonard finally found himself in a new village. He remembered how an incident back at the last village he was in had him kicked out. Oh wait! He could always go back to the village! No wait, he was kicked out. Leonard hit his head thread times, once for his own...
  7. D

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    Alright, I've finished my character.
  8. D

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    Name: ​ Leonard Piddling Nickname: "The Mouse" Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Half-Orc Height / Weight: 6'9", 235 lbs. Occupation: Barbarian Personality: Leonard has always been known to be mentally slow, such a state which makes him act like a child does. He is slow in learning...
  9. D

    Hello intro

    A city sleeps quietly in a time where man's reign has long been over. Vines grow from skyscrapers and pierce the heavens. The screeches of strange creatures are heard faintly, echoing through vast green curtains. Off in the distance is an explosion. The sounds of engines travel through the high...