Search results for query: *

  1. SheOfTheCrazy

    Shinobi Rising [Naruto RP]

    Nao's eyes lingered on the food stands as the team passed them by. The mochi, particularly, looked and smelled absolutely delicious, and Nao became distinctly aware of the emptiness of his stomach after the long journey to Kumogakure. When he and his teammates finally stopped in front of the...
  2. SheOfTheCrazy

    Shinobi Rising [Naruto RP]

    Nao tugged up the collar of his shirt and hunched his shoulders, trying to block out the noise of the people around him. He trailed along behind Isako, stepping silently along the road and weaving his way through the people who didn't seem to understand that someone was coming through. He...
  3. SheOfTheCrazy

    Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)

    Name: Q / Kyuu / 9 (it can be written any of those ways but is always pronounced the same) Age: 32 Gender: female Rank: Jounin, sensei of team 8 Affiliation: Kumogakure Likes: • swimming • cooking • being looked up to Dislikes: • humidity • conflict • being lonely...
  4. SheOfTheCrazy

    Hello back! Yeah, I follow you on deviantart. That MinaKushi thing was adorable.

    Hello back! Yeah, I follow you on deviantart. That MinaKushi thing was adorable.