The encounters go as such-
Opening ceremonies ( intro paragraphs, all characters interact)
home room (couples separate into separate archs)
Lunch, class, final bell (progress intermingle progress intermingle progress)
Walk home (let's make some fun trope-y drama!)
Day 2- friction...
Niji Kakoroku (moe shy and socially inept)
15 years old
Demi-girl gender fluid
Hint- Her face is deceiving. her mind is louder than her mouth.
Taiga Tsubasa (cold and brilliant, the distant enigma)
14 (moved up a year)
Gender questioning
Completely confused...
this high school is like any other high school in down town Tokyo.
yes, it is academically competitive. and yes, their sports and arts programs are both successful. but with every large school, there is a diverse selection of students with a diverse selection of interests.
I really like to post when I'm role playing, and I don't really feel willing to share too much about myself right now.
I made a post about what I'm looking for in a role player or role playing group. you should look at that. I hope you're having a great day.
hi all. My name is Rko and I'm looking for role play partners. this is my first post on this site, so I'll try and make it good.
I would like a one on one role play that is super hardcore shoujo manga, with the twist being that the female actually has the capacity to communicate clearly and...