Hello. I quite enjoyed your manner of writing and seemly approach to the DMing that you seem to aim to cultivate. I have an interest in the role of the Scholar. To play a mind so inducated on the preened and cleaned words of tired authors as to have lost touch with the dirty reality outside of...
Hello. I quite enjoyed your manner of writing and seemly approach to the DMing that you seem to aim to cultivate. I have an interest in the role of the Scholar. To play a mind so inducated on the preened and cleaned words of tired authors as to have lost touch with the dirty reality outside of...
While the exact vocabulary of blue-collar and white-collar were no longer popular vernacular within the state it still held that work was stratified between the ministries in terms of labor types. In the Ministry of Agriculture, a worker could more easily be substituted with...
The ship's intercoms blare their message. Its soundwaves meeting along their silicate shell as micro-bristles on the surface react. The sonic wavelengths converted into a more understandable chemical signature that etch the message into the Fabrilis's mental framework. The guttural...
I can meet that though I like adding details to my posts which can see them go a little long. Especially if it involves NPCs that are tangential to advancing the plot and such. I would be interested in hearing a bit more on the details of this world's setting to have a better idea of where the...
Hello! I would be quite interested in some of the non-fandom pairings you have mentioned. Variations on the Vampire X, Eldritch Horror X, and Alien X formulations are subjects I like to breathe life and detail into. Naturally, we would need to sharpen up some details on the world settings they...
Does this setting have an equivalent to the secret police? How does the Justice System operate even if it somewhat a facade to actual state operations?
Konrad Dippel
"Have you ever deliberated on your function in the framework of the superorganism theorem?"
KONRAD DIPPEL of the HEALTH DIVISION AGE| 27 years oldDOB| April of 2116POB| The Houston MetroscapeSEX| MaleSERVICE Ministry of Knowledge
A decade and countingAAA
Occupational History...
Thank you for your swift answers Skybreaker. The depth by which you answer questions in the thread shows a lot of care and thought. Really furthers that sense of investment. In terms of my character.
The thread binds all to the larger web of humanity. Creating a harmony in which everyone has a...
Hello, I wanted to pitch my own interest in joining. The fact that the roleplay itself will seemingly revolve around interpersonal intrigues based on the nuances of the world sounds grand.
I do have a character concept in mind though I wanted to ask a few questions on ideas of the setting as to...
The google doc preview is a temp stand in while I work on the BBC code for the the character sheet but otherwise present information is valid.
Hello. If the spot is still open I would like a chance to fill it. I have not roleplayed on this site in some time but have been active in writing in other avenues.
Edward G. Tregre
At the posturing of the question, his shoulders slump and his eyes meet the floor. His features scrunching up in such a manner as if Victor's question was more loaded than it truly stood to be at all. His wrinkles set in such a manner as to suggest such an expression was...