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  1. Urdragon

    Asylum plot.

    Hey, favourite colour is green. I think this plot has potential and would love to explore it with you. Should you still be looking for someone to rp with, send me a pm.
  2. Urdragon

    Fantasy Badventurers

    "I like the way you think!" Out of a cloud of sigar smoke a tall half elf in a slightly worn too big pinstriped business suit emerges. "Name's Andreste Lallithim. Friends call me Polluto. Say I think we can find a solution to Mr. Barker, our ahh, honorable barkeep." Looking around the...
  3. Urdragon

    Other Creatures of Myth and Legend

    Hmm Not that I know off, a lot of the monsters and creatures are hidden in folk tales and quite a few of these have been modernised and changed. You might find some in the works of Asbjørnsen and Moe, although I think their work mostly features humans and talking animals. You could read the...
  4. Urdragon

    Other Creatures of Myth and Legend

    You're welcome, now if it's a horse based monster you want, we always have Nøkken :) It is a creature that lives in bogs and lakes, it looks like a horse and once someone climbs up on it, it will jump into the lake and drown the rider.
  5. Urdragon

    Greetings from the frozen fjords of Norway

    I roll a d20? Damn 1, critical failure! I stab myself with a computer.
  6. Urdragon

    Other Creatures of Myth and Legend

    No, the Mare is a pale humanoid with long sharp fingers that slips into your room through a small crack, in your door or windows. It crawls up upon you, paralysing you when you are in between waking and sleeping. Classically it is depicted as a woman, either with no facial features or with...
  7. Urdragon


    Hey if it's not too late, here is the character concept I'm thinking of using, Name: Andreste "Polluto" Lallithim Age: 69 Class: Druid Bio: Andreste never got why the other druids disliked him so. Sure he couldn't for the life of him keep any other thing alive for more than a few days...
  8. Urdragon

    Fantasy Badventurers (Comedy RP)

    Hey if you still have some room I would love to join.
  9. Urdragon

    Literature Are there any book recommendations out there?

    Any Diana Wynne Jones books. Her books are easy to read, great imagination and originality. I would start with either the first two Chronicles of Chrestomanci or Howls Moving Castle(yeah the anime is loosely based on this book, they are very different)
  10. Urdragon

    Other Creatures of Myth and Legend

    Hmm not quite sure what my all time favorite is, but one of the best/most fearsome is the Mareritt. Mareritt is the norwegian word for nightmare and means Mare ride, this is the monster in sleep paralysis. Both in real life and rpg these are great monsters. Most of us have experienced sleep...
  11. Urdragon

    Greetings from the frozen fjords of Norway

    Hey all you party people, Urdagon here. I am new to forum based roleplaying, however I have two years of table top experience. In that time I have for the most part been the gm with some small vacations into player land. I have played Call of Cthulhu, vampire the masquerade, star wars rpg...