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  1. C

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    As Apollo moves to aid the captain he talks to the space marine out side the door and commands him let the guards men to enter the medical room. As Apollo did extensive work on the hole in the captains chest he released something catastrophic may happen. He stops the bleeding from the chest and...
  2. C

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    As Apollo watched the awesome fleet that Dilos performed and was surprised to see a simple Guardsmen do such a thing. Apollo was finished re-bandaging Castor's leg and stood up and begain to fire with the bitter remorse the he felt from what the savage xenos did to his battle brother and...
  3. C

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    Apollo get to the ground and starts to insert medicine into the the stub that use to be his leg and begin to call for an implant drop form the ship and trys to keep Castor awake and alive. Apollo stands back up and shoots a few guants and goes back down to continue to keep Castor awake. "...
  4. C

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    As Apollo drags the almost lifeless body of his comrade out of the area he says one thing to Castor" Every thing is going to be fine brother." Then more guants a good 100 of them Bassus i need help fire upon the xenon enemy. As Apollo drags Castor behind a rock he stands and fires the power if...
  5. C

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    Apollo start firing at the enemy guants with his bolter causing their bodes to fall to the ground like rag doll. "More guants incoming continue firing, don't let up." As the guants came closer and closer Apollo continues to fire into the crowd of the xenos scum. Captain how much longer are we to...
  6. C

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    "Sir, for the short amount of time I have been here I have come across only a few packs of Guants nothing more, but from your landing I believe we may have gathered the attention of wandering Tyranids in the sector. I think that it would be a good ideal if we move Sir, but it is all up to you."...
  7. C

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    "Iam Fine thanks for the concern though" as Apollo wipes the blood off of his visor. " Were is brother Bassus I must report in to him as soon as posable"
  8. C

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    As Apollo looks out of the cave he sees the tyranids attacking them. "Damn thats going to draw a lot of attention to our location" as Apollo takes no less that 5 steps out of the cave a pack of 30 Gaunt saw Apollo "BLAST" he takes his bolter and takes short controled bursts taking out around 7...
  9. C

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    As static turned to voice, a faint communication was heard. "Brother Bassus can you hear me... can you hear blast it... huuu if you can hear this ny name is Apollo, I'm an Apothecary, I shall be acompaning you on you missions against the Tyranid forces. I have been here already for a few hours...
  10. C

    Warhammer 40K DeathWatch Squad

    Name: Apollo Gender: Male Type: Apothecary Chapter: Ultramarines Age: 213 Weapons: Bolter with kraken rounds, power axe, krak grenades, Frag grenades Armor: Mk.8 power armor, Diagnostor helmet, Narthecium, Reductor