I just know you spoke about worrying that other people wouldn't want to go to other classes because of lack of appeal, and I put two and two together with any ruler worried about losing power and then someone they can manipulate or use in a way to try and think of a way to keep in power. I've...
I usually just go by Vi or whatever name I choose for an rp site, shortened. So, I guess you can call me whatever you want as long as it's nice? I've been roleplaying for 9 years now, soon to be 10. I like to think I'm pretty literate. I've also gotten to dabble in tabletop, unfortunately for...
Reading through all of this, I came up with an idea that might make one of the classes more appealing. Maybe. It was just an idea I had. But, the Voids could actually maybe be used as instruments of -insert current ruler here- as a way of "keeping the peace." So to say if she feels someone has...