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  1. Dylan.

    Gloriosa; Heroes Rise // The Resurrection

    As the taxi pulled up, the young girl took a moment to look at the building through clear glass. Taking in the stories, the people on the street and those going in and out through revolving doors. Like real life magic, one walked in to be replaced by another entirely different coming out. She...
  2. Dylan.

    Gloriosa; Resurrection. - Character creation / Sign up

    Full Name: Mia Patel Age: 14 Gender: Female Personality: Mia's is a relaxed temperament, curious and observant with quiet confidence. She is considerate and protective, and can become guarded in uncertain company building walls to protect herself and is the type to be passive-aggressive...
  3. Dylan.

    Looking for 1x1s, or a small group of people. Possible plot idea!

    [stamps his interest]
  4. Dylan.

    Knights of the Tarots! [Sign-Ups]

    Name: Clara Devoux Age: 15 Gender: Female What Kind of Person Are They?: Wielder Character Card: The Emperor Appearance:
  5. Dylan.

    Roger's Academy for the Unknown [RP]

    His body moved swift and lithe about the grounds, a blurred ball of fluff bounding and leaping. Careful to avoid the low hanging trees. This sensation was one he could not get enough, rational thought lost as the wind whipped across his face and her fingers caressed pale skin between fur in a...
  6. Dylan.

    School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

    Not really what to say regarding the background of a jackalope.... Name: Peter Ferre Age: 18 human years. Gender: Male Year: 4th Unknown Type: Jackalope Skills/Powers: Lagomorph Physiology, Shapeshifter, Voice mimicry, Self-regeneration. Weakness: Though he wields more control now...
  7. Dylan.

    Compulsion //Info & Sign-ups//

    Let's give this a shot: Name: Matthew Theodore Sirret - 'Matthias' Age: 17 Appearance:
  8. Dylan.


    If i were some kind of librarian that could rip off your arm with a leg, people would respect that.